The Pearl Heartstone

Free The Pearl Heartstone by Leila Brown

Book: The Pearl Heartstone by Leila Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leila Brown
    Jorel didn’t stop. He continued to lick and suck her. He even lightly bit her. Finally, he knew he couldn’t wait any longer. He traced her cunt, outlining the hole before pressing his tongue inside. He flattened his tongue and pushed it into her. Her gasp was music to his ears. He twisted his tongue around and around until her hands tightened in his hair. She moaned low and long as her cream flooded his tongue. He lapped up the juices while he inhaled the scent of her.
    He looked up into her face and noticed when her eyes opened and
    closed several times. It looked like she might be coming out of it.
    “Jorel? Jorel?” Her voice was slight, almost a whisper. “I’m sorry. I 58

    The Pearl Heartstone by Leila Brown

    couldn’t let it hurt you. It was meant for me. I couldn’t let it hurt you.”
    Her eyes fluttered closed again.
    Her words burrowed into him. She was still burning up, but the redness had left her face. The fever was still burning through her. He’d only beaten it back for the moment. She needed more adrenaline. More ecstasy. More sex. And although he wasn’t happy with what he knew he needed to do, he was as determined to keep her alive, as she had been to keep him safe.
    He picked her up and moved her to the bed. She didn’t open her eyes again. He lay down on top of her, and the fever in her body felt like a fire burning him. He bent down and kissed her then held her. He placed his hands on her and tweaked her breasts again. The fire in her blood brought her back to a state of waiting. Her body was poised for more.
    Arched up to him as if begging for more. He reached down, grabbed her legs, and wrapped them over his elbows.
    He needed to make her come, and come more than once if he wanted to break the fever. He slowly entered her, pushing until he was fully lodged inside her. He pulled out inch by inch until on the tip of him was still surrounded by her warmth. He thrust in again, this time more forcefully.
    Ally gasped and arched up to meet him. She licked her lips and bit her bottom lip. Although she didn’t wrap her arms around him, she did clench him. The muscles of her cunt squeezed his cock from base to tip.
    Jorel sucked in a haggard breath and continued to plow into her.
    Each stroke that brought her closer to release brought him closer to his own. But he couldn’t do that. He gritted his teeth and bit the inside of his cheek as he fought against the need that flowed through him.
    He pulled in a deep breath as Ally arched beneath him and wetness
    flooded her channel. That didn’t stop him. He continued to pound into her. Sweat dropped from his body onto hers. The beast within him roared to the forefront. He felt his body began to change, and he fought against it.
    He refused to take her in that form. But as he continued to take her, he started to loose the battle within himself. He was fighting against the need to come and the need to change. He was going to loose one of these 59

    The Pearl Heartstone by Leila Brown

    battles. Ally arched below him again and screamed as her body convulsed.
    He thought the heat emanating from her body had begun to wane,
    but he was so hot himself he couldn’t be sure. Just as he thought he was mastering the fight to subdue his beast, Ally reached up, wrapped her arms around him, and pulled his head down to hers. Her lips captured his, and suddenly her tongue was warring with his. And just that quick, he lost his battle. Both of them. His orgasm rocked through his body and his body shuttered as he fought the change.
    The pleasure was so intense he thought he might black out from it.
    Both man and beast were shivering from the buzz vibrating through him.
    His cock expanded with his release, and he pried his eyes open to watch his mate convulse as another orgasm ripped through her.
    Jorel purred as her flesh pulsed around his engorged cock. He’d never felt anything like it. The continued sensations meant that once he changed it would be a short

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