The Billionaire's Beloved (Key to My Heart Book 4)

Free The Billionaire's Beloved (Key to My Heart Book 4) by Ella Cari

Book: The Billionaire's Beloved (Key to My Heart Book 4) by Ella Cari Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ella Cari
loneliness and desperation. The love that I had for Sabastian came from my very soul.
    Still, I had never meant to hurt Lewis. I had never set out in the beginning to cause him pain. I never wanted him to feel that way, I never wanted to be the root of his despair.
    Though Lewis had threatened to take everything away from my husband, wasn't Lewis himself that had wound up with nothing?
    The front door creaked, Sebastian entering the bakery. He looked at me, hunched over the table, broken mug on the floor, tears streaming from my eyes, and walked carefully over to me.
    He leaned down, lifting me up out of the chair and into his strong arms as easily as though I were a pillow made of down feathers or a child.
    The billionaire held me tight to his strong chest, letting my tears soak through and ruin his expensive shirt.
    He stroked my hair, planting kiss after tender kiss along the curve of my cheek.
    "I'm here for you, Macy." He whispered softly, tilting my face so that his lips could graze against my own, "I'm here for you."
    "I love you." I gasped, unable to hold those words back any longer, “Dammit, I love you.”
    His blue eyes widened, just the tiniest bit. Uncharacteristic surprise in his tan face.
    He opened his mouth, unable to answer before I wrapped my arms tight around his neck, mouth descending against his own.

Chapter Eleven
    "So, that's it, then?" Karina asked skeptically, "Lewis is gone for good?"
    We sat quietly around the table at La Grange, my mother in law's favorite restaurant. I think the rest of us were too exhausted to eat out, but she insisted on a celebratory meal. Just her style.
    "I think so." I shrugged, leaning over to where Lydia rest in her stroller seated between Sebastian and myself, watching us all as she sucked on a plush blue dog toy.
    Newly fed and changed, we had at least 45 minutes before a baby breakdown. If we were lucky. Maybe she'd just fall back asleep?
    I was hoping if I acted distracted enough, the subject would change. I didn't want to talk about Lewis anymore.
    "We're going to need a new manager." Harry said glumly, his arm wrapped around the back of Karina's chair.
    "He was amazing at what he did." I offered apologetically, to which Harry waved a hand dismissively. He was doing his best not to make me feel guilty, I could tell. I appreciated the effort.
    Karina suddenly went rigid, staring over my head with eyes big, back stiff as a meerkat perking out over a ledge. I would have laughed had I not been vaguely frightened at her rigidity. Was she having a stroke?
    Slowly, Sebastian and I turned to look over our shoulders.
    There, with their backs turned just slightly towards us, stood none other than Karina's ex-husband and Alissa.
    I swallowed, staring back at my mother in law, hoping she would stay calm. She hadn't seen George Davis since he'd served her with divorce papers. She acted as though it didn't matter to her, but you could never be sure with that woman just how deeply her pain went.
    Alissa shook hands with someone, turning to get the attention of the waiter when she abruptly locked gazes with Karina.
    The redhead froze, her own expression going into swift shock before she shook her head and worked up a great act of a joyful smile, tugging her husband's sleeve delicately and gesturing towards our table.
    "Oh, boy." Sebastian murmured, rubbing his forehead as they approached.
    "Um, good evening. What a surprise!" Alissa said cheerily, reaching out to shake hands with Karina, "How are you this evening?"
    "Just fine. Thank you." Karina said tautly, turning her shoulder and ignoring Alissa’s outstretched hand.
    Harry took it instead, giving her long, pale fingers a gentle squeeze.
    "And how is Lydia?" Alissa asked after a long, painful silence, "Is she doing better? That was a scary afternoon at the hospital." The woman chuckled, struggling to keep up a calm face and conversation.
    It was strange to see her so out of her element when she was normally so

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