Seaside Seduction

Free Seaside Seduction by Sabrina Devonshire

Book: Seaside Seduction by Sabrina Devonshire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabrina Devonshire
Tags: Romance
her neck and then trailed down to a breast, relishing its succulent shape in my mouth before sucking a dark nipple in my mouth and flicking my tongue over it until it beaded. She arched her back, and her lips fell open in a groan. The lusty look on her face heightened my excitement. I worked my way over to the other breast, working my tongue over it until the second nipple matched the excitement level of the first one. “So you like to make love outside where there’s a chance you can get caught?”
    Her laugh came out more like a sensual moan. “Sure—it’s much more fun that way. Although I can’t remember ever actually having been caught.”
    “You must not have made enough noise to attract attention. Tonight, I’m going to pleasure you so much, everyone nearby will hear you scream.”
    Just looking at Selena’s body and skimming my lips over her breasts was nearly enough to make me unload. Despite my excitement, I reeled in my instincts, gaining control so I could maximize her enjoyment.
    All my previous sexual encounters had been hurried, desperate and sweaty. But I couldn’t imagine making love with Selena would be anything short of sheer bliss and I wanted to savor every delicious minute. There was something about her—she’d cast a spell of enchantment over me.
    I traced out a map of her slightly rounded stomach with my tongue, circling my tongue around her belly button, entranced by her skin’s soft texture and fresh scent. Then I slid one finger into the edge of her purple silk panties, tugging them down just enough to make her want more. She raised her hips, making it easier for me to slide them over her swelling hips and down the curves of her legs. I skimmed my hand back up her thigh until I reached her mound and then my fingers explored her silky wetness, teasing the layers around her slit, plunging inside her hole and then flickering back over her clitoris.
    “Oh, please, Nicholas, I want you inside me now.” She reached down and tugged at her panties, pushing them the rest of the way down her legs with her toes.
    The primal need to bond intimately with her was overpowering. I felt such a visceral, desperate need to own her. It wasn’t just her body I wanted. I craved that deep emotional connection that I’d often fantasized about when I’d laid beside a woman after sex feeling strangely empty. Selena was my fantasy—the woman I would always want to be with one more time. “If you insist.”
    Breathing heavily, I yanked off my pants and sunk into the wet opening between her wide-open legs, overcome by the sensation of her tight vagina squeezing my cock. I plunged in and out of her, shifting the angle to stimulate her clitoris. At the same time, I met her mouth in a furious kiss, making love to her mouth with my tongue, while my cock pumped in and out of her wet hole.
    “This feels so amazing,” Selena groaned.
    She tossed her head from side to side, her hair spreading out in the sand as I increased my tempo, watching her face flush and her tongue slide across her lips. I slowed the tempo again, teasing her, trying to hold her on the edge, wanting to make her wait long enough that when she tumbled over the edge, the orgasm would make her crazy and she’d scream out her release so loud, people would hear it in California. “Come on, baby, that’s it, just let go.” I fought to maintain control as heady sensations rushed to my cock and her wet walls clenched around me. I grunted like an animal, overcome with savage need.
    Selena groaned, her hips arching desperately into mine. Our bodies slapped together as our movements intensified and my cock swelled larger as I approached my release. I gritted my teeth, forcing myself to wait.
    “Oh, my God, Nicholas. Yes. Yes,” she screamed, over and over again. Her walls squeezed me even tighter, milking me until I couldn’t hold back any longer and I exploded deep inside of her.
    I held her in my arms, skimming my fingers over the soft contours

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