CAYMAN SUMMER (Taken by Storm)

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Book: CAYMAN SUMMER (Taken by Storm) by Angela Morrison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angela Morrison
fill, but I can’t let go of her. I forget about why we’re here, her secrets about the accident, needing to take her back to her parents. All that matters are her lips. We make out with the ocean lapping at our feet and the sun setting behind us.
    Alex interrupts us. “Sorry.” She holds out a paper plate with two sandwiches on it. “I’m not much of a cook.”
    I grab a sandwich and take a big bite. “Leesie is.”
    “Bonus.” Alex sits down by Leesie. “I knew I liked you.”
    They start to jabber about clothes and stuff. I slip away, leaving the girls to get to know each other. I’ve got a date with forty empty scuba tanks and a big fat compressor.
    As I walk down to the dock, I’m engulfed by a wave of intense emotion. It takes me a moment to figure out what it is.
    Freak, I’m happy. It’s tinged with ache for Leesie and her grief and pain. But we’re together. She’s mine.
    And nothing can change that.
    Ever again.

Chapter 10
    Kimbo69 says: Report. Report. How did the big move in go?
    Leesie327 says: I’m like Frankenstein living in The Bachelorette Mansion.
    Kimbo69 says: You mean his monster.
    Leesie327 says: Everybody’s a critic.
    Kimbo69 says: Your roomies are that hot?
    Leesie327 says: Alex isn’t hot—just like Michael said. But the guys? Droolworthy in the extreme.
    Kimbo69 says: Stuck up?
    Leesie327 says: Not really. Gabriel is a bit too good for the rest of the world, but when he walks by with no shirt on you don’t care.
    Kimbo69 says: You’re typing way faster than last time we chatted.
    Leesie327 says: Using two hands. Don’t tell my doctor.
    Kimbo69 says: Is Michael regretting moving you in with all those hunks?
    Leesie327 says: Did you actually use the world “hunk”? I thought we banned that word when we were Juniors.
    Kimbo69 says: If you’d give me more details, maybe I’d be more inspired.
    Leesie327 says: The guys didn’t look twice at me. Well, they took in the mess and looked away fast. Michael did seem kind of jealous. It’s cute. He got all romantic.
    Kimbo69 says: Mark would be dragging me out of there by my ponytail.
    Leesie327 says: Ouch. Don’t talk to me about ponytails.
    Kimbo69 says: Sorry. Lame one. How’s your head?
    Leesie327 says: Itchy. Prickly. I guess that’s a good sign. I’ve got five o’clock shadow all over it.
    Kimbo69 says: Back to the men folk…
    Leesie327 says: Alex is cool.
    Kimbo69 says: I don’t care about Alex.
    Leesie327 says: She helped me unpack then we stayed up until two in the morning talking.
    Kimbo69 says: You haven’t described in breathtaking detail the rest of the guys.
    Leesie327 says: You’ll never believe what I found on the bottom of my second suitcase.
    Kimbo69 says: A digital camera so you can send me pictures?
    Leesie327 says: Rough drafts of all the poems I wrote last year.
    Kimbo69 says: I don’t get it.
    Leesie327 says: Michael. He saved them from the wreck. Even scraps. Scribbled envelopes. There’s mud smudges and water stains on every page, but it’s dry. I think he ironed them. I would have lost it all, but he saved them.
    Kimbo69 says: I can’t believe it.
    Leesie327 says: I don’t deserve him. I should be alone, miserable, locked up somewhere banging my head on a wall, instead I’m with this beautiful boy who kisses me when I cry and saves my life every day.
    Kimbo69 says: Maybe he finally deserves you.
    Leesie327 says: I’d be so lost without him.
    Kimbo69 says: Your computer got smashed?
    Leesie327 says: Everything I took to school was in the back of the pickup.
    Kimbo69 says: Even your hideous desktop?
    Leesie327 says: I don’t know. It’s all gone.
    Kimbo69 says: I’ve got all the poems you sent me. Do you want me to email them?
    Leesie327 says: No. Maybe later. Keep them, okay? I’m not up to email. I’ve got three hundred unopened messages. All my mom screaming at me, probably. I don’t know who else.
    Kimbo69 says: Did you

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