Rebekah Redeemed

Free Rebekah Redeemed by Dianne G. Sagan

Book: Rebekah Redeemed by Dianne G. Sagan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dianne G. Sagan
took their places by each table and poured wine for the guests. Music drifted in from the courtyard on the gentle breeze.
    The cena —the main course—offered roast boar with apples, roasted antelope with onion sauce, herbed rice, dates, raisins, oil and honey, bread, cucumbers, parsley, and tomatoes. On a side table desserts tempted the eye—cakes, pomegranate, grapes, and nuts.
    The wine continued to flow and stories of the gladiators and games in Rome and Caesarea punctuated the night.
    “You must come to Rome with me when I return,” said Marcus. “We will go to the Circus. It makes the games in Caesarea look pale.”
    “I look forward to going to Rome with you,” said Philip, “and to seeing all the wonders of the great city that you can show me.” He lifted his goblet in recognition of his friends.
    Rebekah had managed to keep herself unnoticed throughout most of the day and evening. The dancers and prostitutes captivated the soldiers. They slowly drifted off two-by-two late into the evening and found their bedrooms.
    However, Philip and Marcus stayed up until the wee hours planning and plotting together. They both planned to rise to great wealth and power in the Empire. It would take cunning and tenacity and possibly marriage alliances, but they would do anything to get what they craved.
    This left Jael and Rebekah to wait on their needs. All the others had long since gone to bed. Philip had suggested they retire to his private office for more discussion, but Marcus was too drunk to walk. Lying back and laughing he slurred, “More wi-ne,” Then, he looked down and noticed Rebekah for the first time.
    Reaching for her, he turned up her chin as she poured the wine. He saw her beautiful eyes and pushed the hair back from her face. “Well, Philip, where have you been hiding this desert flower?”
    “I got her as a gift from my mother recently. I really haven’t paid any attention. She is but another house servant.” He waved his hand as if to dismiss her.
    Marcus kept her chin in his hand. Rebekah held her breath. “No, stay. You go.” He dismissed Jael, and Philip waved her away. Rising he could barely stand. “Help me to my room, girl.” Marcus leaned on Rebekah’s slight frame.
    “I like strong women.” He slapped her rump.
    Remembering Prisca’s instructions Rebekah offered meekly, “Do you want me to bring your wine?”
    “Yes-s-s…” he slurred. “You know just how to take care of a man.”
    Somehow she managed to support Marcus to the bedroom, sit him down and bring the wine without spilling but a few drops. She poured him another goblet of wine, no water mixed in this pitcher. Then she took off his sandals. He reached down and pulled her up to him and kissed her hard. She could smell and taste the wine. It made her gag, but he didn’t notice. She felt sick to her stomach. He continued kissing and groping her. Rebekah knew there was no escape for her unless he passed out like Prisca had told her. She knew nothing of the art of love-making or manipulating a man, but she tried to pull away gently.
    “No you don’t,” he said in her ear. As he pulled her down onto the bed with him, she pushed away again.
    When he grabbed for her, she said coyly, imitating the prostitutes she had seen earlier in the evening, “I’m getting you one more drink. I know how you love this wine.” As she poured the wine she could taste bile and wine mix in her mouth and swallowed hard to keep from vomiting.
    She poured the goblet full and helped him drink it. His eyes closed almost to slits, but he continued to grope her as she emptied the last of the wine into his mouth. He fell back, pushed the goblet and it crashed to the floor. Then, he pulled her on top of him and more quickly than she had thought possible rolled on top of her. Rebekah was pinned under his great strength and weight. He continued to kiss her and his words ran together. As he kissed her neck, his impatience heightened. The young woman

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