The One For Me (Danver #8)

Free The One For Me (Danver #8) by Sydney Landon

Book: The One For Me (Danver #8) by Sydney Landon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sydney Landon
driving by his house.

Chapter Six
    Mark had gone straight home after work and given Denny the night off. He generally used the drive to and from the office to return calls and e-mails, but still preferred to drive himself when the workday was over. After changing into something more casual, he’d grabbed the keys to his Porsche and driven across town to his favorite bar, Rivers. It was a popular meeting place for college students and professionals. He’d been chatting with the bartender, Jason, while enjoying a scotch and water, when a blond-haired beauty settled on the stool beside him. A quick glance told him that she was around twenty-five and had a spectacular set of fake tits. She had the perpetual tan common to so many living in a beach town. He had the sudden urge to lecture her about the dangers of sun exposure. What the
was wrong with him? The only stern warnings he was usually interested in giving were in the bedroom. He had certainly never cared enough to go beyond that.
    She was now turning sideways to face him, flashing her best flirty grin, and he felt . . . absolutely nothing. Nada. She was the exact replica of most of the women he picked to fuck for a few hours, and he wasn’t interested. Maybe it was the whole skin thing. Yeah, thathad to be it. She’d turned him off by being too . . . tan. He angled his seat away from hers, and she stalked off.
    “Man, I can’t believe you just blew Ashley off.” Jason laughed. “I’ve heard that she goes above and beyond. I’d kill for a shot at that.”
    Mark shrugged, not in the least sorry. He was looking for something different tonight. After another thirty minutes, a brunette took the place of Ashley. This one looked to be a few years older, and she was a knockout. He was considering speaking to her, when she reached out and touched his arm, stroking up and down. He was immediately turned off. She was too forward. He didn’t like aggressive women. At least not tonight.
    Things continued along the same lines for the next couple of hours. Jason was openly staring at him in confusion, probably questioning his sexual orientation by this point. He didn’t want to examine why, but no one appealed to him tonight. This was surprising because he’d been hard more often than not since Crystal crashed into his life. Why wasn’t he doing something about it? Just thinking of her again had him pulling his phone out and checking his Twitter account.
“An ounce of performance is worth pounds of promises.” Mae West. #Angel.
    “Damn,” he hissed as his cock strained against his zipper. She was killing him. He hadn’t lied to her when he’d admitted to wanting to fuck her more than he ever had another woman. It was fast becoming an obsession. Just picturing those plump lips of herssucking his cock was enough to make him blow his load in this very public bar. Before he could embarrass himself, he dropped some money next to his drink and made a hasty retreat.
    As soon as he walked in the door at home, he picked up his iPad and Googled quotes. There was no way he could sleep until he replied to her little tease. A grin spread across his face as he found the perfect one.
“When I’m good, I’m very good. But when I’m bad, I’m better.” Mae West. #Angel.
    It was already close to midnight, but he stayed up another few hours in hopes that she’d respond. When she didn’t, he thought it was probably for the best. He’d have begged for her address, and then gone there and fucked her until she couldn’t walk for a week. Unless he was very wrong, sex with Angel wouldn’t be a onetime thing. That was reason alone enough to stay away from the woman who was rapidly turning his life upside down.
    •   •   •
    Mark was edgy and wired the next morning after tossing and turning most of the night. Denny dropped him at the gym with threats to leave his grouchy ass stranded if he didn’t exit in a better mood. He stopped at the juice bar to buy a bottle

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