A Wicked Night (Creatures of Darkness 2): A Coraline Conwell Novel

Free A Wicked Night (Creatures of Darkness 2): A Coraline Conwell Novel by Kiersten Fay

Book: A Wicked Night (Creatures of Darkness 2): A Coraline Conwell Novel by Kiersten Fay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiersten Fay
able to better protect her. But then, how do you defend against a spirit you hadn’t even known was there?
    Outside the entrance of Wicked Wares, Saraphine whirled on Knox, but spoke only to Mace and Cora. “He does not come in.”
    Knox rolled his eyes. “Get on with it then.” Without argument, he returned to lean against the car and crossed his arms.
    Inside, Saraphine led them into the back room. The last time Cora had been here, the ornate hearth was kindling a fierce flame under a large cauldron full of dark liquid. Now only bits of charred wood and black smudges decorated the fire pit. The cauldron still hung from a thick metal bar, but was empty.
    The rest of the space was exuberantly decorated and looked as if from a decadent Gothic era. Black and red was the common theme in the drapery that scarcely concealed the dark stone frame of the building. A blood-red armchair sat opposite the matching settee where Cora had drank the spell that unbound her magic.
    Too bad that spell hadn’t made her an expert in wielding it.
    Saraphine crossed to an antiquated rolltop desk and tugged open one of the small compartments. With one finger curled around a delicate chain, she lifted the pendant from its perch, presenting it to Cora.
    Cora took it in her palm. It was a deeply black stone with many hard edges, almost like lava rock. Tiny white dots speckled one half of the object, giving it life in the dim light, while the other half was an empty dark void.
    “I wear this and Sadira cannot possess my body?” Cora asked in wonderment.
    Saraphine nodded. “Yes. It’s been enchanted with a strong protection spell.”
    “What do I owe you for it?”
    “One vampire strung up on a spit.”
    A derisive noise shot from Mace’s direction.
    Cora let out a sigh. “Saraphine—”
    The front bell jingled.
    Saraphine bristled. “If he’s stepped foot inside my gran’s place, so help me…” She dashed into the sales room.
    Cora and Mace hurried after.
    A light-haired man stood in the center of the room. Something about him instantly set Cora on edge, though, if asked, she couldn’t have explained why.
    Upon seeing them, the man took one step back as though anticipating an attack.
    “Oh, it’s you,” Saraphine said, relaxing. However, a second later, Knox appeared behind him in the entryway, and she tensed once more.
    Oddly, Knox too appeared to be gearing for a fight. His eyes were narrowed on the young man like he wasn’t sure what to make of him.
    “Get out!” Saraphine screeched so loud both males were taken aback. “Not you,” she qualified to the light-haired man.
    The young man tuned to appraise Knox, chin raised as if to punctuate Saraphine’s order. Both their stances were openly aggressive.
    Then a knavish smile skated along Knox’s lips. Cora realized Knox was silently goading the other man. Goddess, he seemed unable to keep from pissing off everyone around him.
    “We’re done here, anyway,” Cora announced, striving to alleviate the sudden tension in the room. “Thank you for your help, Saraphine. I’ll do what I can to pay you back.” She offered a meaningful look with her last words. If Knox was guilty of the crime Saraphine accused him of, Cora would most definitely side with the witches in their quest for justice. But she would need to tread carefully if she was going to spark her own investigation.
    Saraphine nodded, hopefully in understanding.
    Cora took Mace by the hand and led him toward the door where Knox waited. As she passed the light-haired fellow, a shiver attacked her shoulders. Mace glanced at her from the corner of his eye while keeping the other man well in his sights. It didn’t escape her notice that Mace had shifted her so that she was now on his opposite side, farther from the stranger. Was he sensing something malevolent as well?
    For a heartbeat, she met the stranger’s gaze and something like recognition twisted in her gut. Had she met him before? Was he an old

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