The Forgotten Eden
demanded. ‘You can be one insensitive horse’s ass, you know? Well? ? What’s up with that crap, son??’
    “ Not the least bit disturbed by Grandpa’s rebuke, Jeremy continued to laugh until his face turned beet red. With the icy stares of our grandfather and myself upon him, he managed to regain his composure and soon told us what he’d found so amusing.
    “‘ So, Jackie, you’re telling us that you saw a lizard that looked like a miniature dragon??’ he said. ‘ Ple-e-e-ase!!! ’
    “ He slapped his hand open-faced upon the kitchen table, rattling the plates and dishes. Again, he laughed uncontrollably until he struggled to keep his breath and tears formed in his eyes.
    “‘ Are you sure it wasn’t Barney or Puff the Magic Dragon out there in the backyard?’ he taunted. ‘Maybe it was one of the Palmer kids’ stuffed-animals being pulled on a string or something. O-o-o-oh!! ’
    “ He held his hands out in front of himself in mock fright, all the while ignoring my indignant pleas and Grandpa’s growing anger, the sullen redness spreading rapidly across his face.
    “‘ I’m telling you the truth , Jeremy!! It was the coolest thing I’ve ever seen around here!’ I cried. ‘I wish you’d seen it yourself, because then you’d quit being such an asshole about it!’
    “ Both Jeremy and Grandpa eyed me sharply, for until that night I’d never cursed in their presence.
    “‘ The truth?? ’ Jeremy mocked, and then stood up from the dinner table, walking over to his cigarettes and ashtray still sitting next to the kitchen sink. ‘You’re telling me the truth , Jackie?? Let me state here and now what likely is the truth! ’ He tapped out a smoke from the cigarette package and lit it before going on, signaling to Grandpa he was done with dinner.
    “‘ Here’s what I think happened,’ he continued. ‘I don’t think there was any ’dragon-lizard’ at any point or anywhere in the backyard, Jackie. I think this little story’s just a lame cover-up of yours. Just an excuse for getting caught jacking off by that sphere out back. Hell, Grandpa says he found you holding something just below your waist while you stood there in the rain. I’d bet a hundred dollars against a stale doughnut that the thing in your hands was just your ‘pre-pube’ tool!’
    “ Grandpa now completely mortified for me, he was about to severely upbraid Jeremy again. But, I stood up to my brother before he had a chance.
    “‘ I’m not the one with the sticky-paged porn magazines stashed under his bed!’ I said, daring him with a look to come over and shut me up.
    “‘ Fuck you, you little dweeb!! ’ Jeremy shouted. He was about to come after me, and likely would’ve punched my lights out if it hadn’t been for Grandpa’s bear-like grip restraining him. As it was, he nearly knocked the remaining spaghetti and meatballs to the floor while trying to get me.
    “‘ Boys!’ Grandpa shouted. ‘I’ve had about enough of this!! Both of you sit down— now-w-w! !!’
    “ He eyed us both evenly, but soon focused his attention on Jeremy alone. The weight of his icy stare forced my brother back down into his seat at the kitchen table. He motioned for me to sit down as well.
    “ A tense and uncomfortable silence settled upon the kitchen. None of us were hungry any longer. I fidgeted nervously while looking down at the half-eaten meal on my plate, as I waited for the horrible silence to end. Unwilling to look up, I could feel the searing heat of Jeremy’s stare as he attempted to melt me into a molten puddle where I sat. My story, which I’d hoped would impress my grandfather and especially my brother, had failed miserably.
    “‘ What were you doing, standing out there in the rain, Jack?’ Grandpa finally asked.
    “ I looked up, cautious, peering at both of them. The perturbed and angry stares from a moment ago had changed into more pliable and open looks of guarded curiosity. I took this as the perfect

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