Secret Lolita: The Confessions of Victor X

Free Secret Lolita: The Confessions of Victor X by Donald Rayfield, Mr. Victor X

Book: Secret Lolita: The Confessions of Victor X by Donald Rayfield, Mr. Victor X Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donald Rayfield, Mr. Victor X
of it, she liked this pastime better than coitus in ore vulvae . And you could see for a fact that this new method gave her more enjoyment. You only had to watch her face, to see her body contorting, hear her breathing and the shouts she could not help making. I could see her belly convulse and quiver, her abdomen twist and the chubby pad of her mount of Venus would be wrenched out of my mouth by the unintentional movements of her flanks. While I was sucking, licking and nibbling her clitoris and labia minora, her whole vulva would pulse and I saw the opening of the vagina get wider and close up in spasms. A viscous liquid would ooze from the orifice more and more copiously and would stream everywhere. Meanwhile the girl would throw herself about in a frenzy, wave her arms in the air, clench her fingers or grab whatever was within reach - my shoulder, my arm or her brother's arm which was next to me, or even his penis when it was exposed. Sometimes she would nearly suffocate me by clenching my head hard between her downy fragrant thighs; sometimes, however, she would open her legs wide and spread them out as far as she could, as if she wanted to split in two; sometimes she lifted them into the air, waved them about and put them over her head. She writhed so energetically that any moment her sexual organs could tear away from my mouth and I would have to find them again straight away. Her clipped utterances also proved how intensely the girl was enjoying herself.
    Her brother learnt to do the same as I did. In return, she decided to rouse his penis with the tip of her tongue and masturbated him by hand. She offered to do the same to me, but I refused, since I had a panicky fear of anything resembling masturbation. I was happy with coitus in ore vulvae which I did not consider to be a sort of masturbation. As for practising cunnilingus, I liked doing it, above all because it enabled me to watch the girl's acute orgasm; it also gave me the direct thrill of intimately handling and looking so closely at these secret parts, that scarlet, gaping, pulsing vulva whose warm moist folds seemed to give it a sort of face, an expression of languid sweetness or inflamed desire. I am telling all this not for the pleasure of description, but to analyse my sensations exactly. Even the taste of sexual mucous was pleasant to my tongue and mouth. In fact, all rakes react the same way: they often say that there is no dish more tasty than those parts of a woman. A woman's mucous when she is enjoying herself ( qui jute , as the French say) is just as palatable, despite its bitter salty taste, even if Aristophanes calls it (in The Horsemen ) ton droson apoptyston (the loathsome dew). Once I took a teaspoon and collected some liquid from Sara's genital crack; as I masturbated the girl I swallowed this salty nectar with ecstatic delight. The smell of urine that I could detect when I passed my tongue around the urinary opening was, however, not nice, but I could smell it only at the beginning of the act and it soon disappeared, doubtless because of the plentiful sexual secretions which masked the traces of urine.
    Sessions such as these could not happen very often. Sometimes in fact schoolfriends would come to see me and would keep me at home. Other times, frequently too, Ilya and Sara had visitors; but I was the only one of their friends they would have allowed to take part in their sex play and nothing compromising ever took place in front of anybody but me. In any case, although their parents did not usually come into the children's bedroom, the latter hardly ever dared amuse themselves sexually unless they were sure that they were alone in the house. (Servants did not count since it was easy, if need be, to refuse to open the door to them.) So they waited for evenings when their parents were out. This meant that we could only have our fun occasionally. Such were the pleasures I enjoyed with the two Jewish children during that school year. They

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