Truth vs Falsehood

Free Truth vs Falsehood by David Hawkins

Book: Truth vs Falsehood by David Hawkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: David Hawkins
Tags: Ebook, book
nonmoralistic acceptance and compassion that arise out of understanding its intrinsic nature and origin.
    Although guilt and repentance may have a certain pragmatic usefulness for brief periods in one’s spiritual evolution, it is to be noted from examining the Map of Consciousness that guilt, self-hatred, remorse, regret, despondency, and all such negative positionalities are at the bottom of the list, whereas forgiveness, love, acceptance, and joy are at the top of the list, leading to enlightenment. The ego’s cleverness and innate self-dedication to survival can be appreciated in that large segments of mankind, often aided and abetted by dark interpretations of religion, have led the masses to seek at the bottom of the Map of Consciousness, which includes the avenues to negativity, rather than at the top of the Map, which leads to the realizations of advanced spiritual awareness, the knowledge of Divinity, and the nonjudgmental reality that underlies all existence and Creation.
    The evolution of consciousness is also demonstrated by its progression in the evolution of hominids. Neanderthal Man calibrated at consciousness level 75; then Java man, Homo erectus , emerged at 80; Heidelberg man at 80-85; and then, six-hundred-thousand years ago, Homo sapiens idelta (cal. 80) appeared in Ethiopia as a possible forerunner of modern man.
    Of very recent discovery is the hominid Homo floresiensis , a diminutive evolutionary ancestor who lived on the Indonesian island of Flores until approximately thirteen thousand years ago. They compensated for their small brain size by having increased neuronal complexity and calibrate at 85.
    The evolution of consciousness of humankind overall has been seemingly slow. It did not reach level 90 until the time of the birth of the Buddha at approximately 563 B.C. The rate of evolution then appears to have accelerated so that by the time of the birth of Jesus Christ, the consciousness level of the totality of mankind had reached 100. During each time period, the percentage of the population that calibrated over 200 was quite small. Nevertheless, the Vedas out of ancient India’s Aryan culture calibrated in the high 900s, with Krishna at 1,000, which was the same level demonstrated by Jesus Christ and the Buddha. It took approximately two thousand years, however, for the overall consciousness level of mankind to move from 100 to the level of 205 in the late 1980s, and then again move another two points in November 2003, at the time of the Harmonic Concordance, to its current level of 207.
    In addition to tracking the calibrated levels of consciousness of life in both animal and human forms over great periods of time, a significant inference is derived from calibrating the levels of consciousness of all life on planet Earth through the great archeological eons of prehistory.
    Consciousness Levels of Archeological Eras
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From the above, we derive further evidence to support the demonstration that consciousness has been progressively and unrelentingly evolving and that this advancement of consciousness is a quality innate to consciousness itself.
    Evolution of Human Consciousness
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    A seemingly reasonable probability could be derived from all the above that consciousness will continue to evolve because that is its nature, and the future of mankind can be realistically viewed as optimistic. This progression also implies that consciousness seeks to return to the awareness of its own source (calibrates as true). Spiritually advanced members of the human race have repeatedly reported throughout history that consciousness can and does successfully return to the awareness of its own essence and source (see Chapter 8 ). The ultimate levels of the progression of consciousness can be studied in the fully

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