Hunter's Moon

Free Hunter's Moon by Loribelle Hunt

Book: Hunter's Moon by Loribelle Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Loribelle Hunt
protest, kissing his way down her body. He paused a moment to explore her navel with his tongue then licked his way to the curls that hid her pussy. He spread her lips and blew a hot breath over her.
    She tried to lift her pelvis, hoping, desperately needing his mouth on her there. He held her still easily, one strong forearm across her hips holding her where he wanted her. He looked up the length of her body to meet her gaze.
    “I want everything, Gia. All of you.”
    She shook her head. It must be the mating bond that let her know what he meant by that statement. Complete trust. He wanted her to drop every barrier, to give over all control to him. It was too much, too soon. But tempting. He watched her struggle with the idea, and she wanted to scream at him. Just fuck her already. Wasn’t this enough of a first step? Maybe later she’d be able to give him what he wanted. But not yet.
    “Yes, baby. All of you. Right now.”
    Had she spoken aloud? She didn’t get to ask because he chose that moment to put his mouth on her. He started with an open-mouthed kiss, a brief, soft brush. Then he pushed his tongue into her sex. She tried to meet his thrusts, the orgasm building so quickly she knew she’d come in seconds, but he stopped. Moved on to lap at her clit. Just as good. Better in fact.
    But again, he didn’t let her come. He kept her right on the edge, his knowledge of her body absolute. Every time she was close, he moved to another spot or slowed his strokes or completely changed his rhythm. Each time she wanted to weep in desperate need. She thrashed in his hold, but still he didn’t give her what she wanted.
    And then she knew. He wasn’t going to until she gave him what he wanted. She stopped struggling to keep any control and gave into the temptation, gave into the urge to just let everything go. Let him take over. Under any other circumstances she would have laughed at the sense of male triumph she felt through the bond.
    He robbed her of the power of speech or anything else, however. She couldn’t even moan. He sucked her clit between his teeth and didn’t let go until she was shaking, until she was screaming his name and begging him to fuck her.
    He didn’t make her ask twice. He moved up her body with werewolf speed, claiming her lips in an almost brutal kiss as his cock thrust into her. He took her hard and fast, and she wrapped her legs around his hips to hold on. Her body on fire, another orgasm building fast, and she knew he was close too. A damned shame. She didn’t want this feeling to ever stop.
    But of course, it had to. She came, the most intense orgasm she’d ever experienced. It felt as if her mind splintered, her body shattered. She wasn’t sure if she knew how to put the pieces back together and when Anthony came too, whispering I love you in her ear, she doubted she ever would.

    Chapter Seven
    Soft tapping on the door roused Gia from a deep sleep. She snuggled into the male body wrapped around her and tried to tune it out. Tapping became knocking, and Anthony rolled out of bed before she could protest. He pulled his discarded pants on and opened the door just enough to stick his head out. She didn’t need his superior hearing to know something was wrong. His back stiffened, and he turned his head to look at her.
    “We’ll be right down,” he said as he shut the door. Sighing, she got up and caught the clothes he tossed her. Looked like the honeymoon was over. Back to work. She watched him from the corner of her eye as she dressed. He looked disapproving when she strapped her weapons back on. Tough shit. Did he expect her to change just because he’d claimed her? She gave him a challenging look.
    “You can’t expect me to like it, baby.”
    “I’m a hunter. You knew that when you met me. You knew that when you bit me.”
    “I know,” he answered softly. “I’m not trying to change who you are, Gia. That doesn’t for one minute mean

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