Almost Too Far (Almost Bad Boys #3)

Free Almost Too Far (Almost Bad Boys #3) by A.O. Peart

Book: Almost Too Far (Almost Bad Boys #3) by A.O. Peart Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.O. Peart
    The old lady looks up and grins. “Libby!” She turns to the dealer, who’s shuffling the cards, and proudly announces, “This is my daughter, Libby. Pretty little thing, isn’t she?”
    I almost snort at the pretty little thing , because if Libby could ever be described as such, now is not the time.
    “Ah, what a coincidence!” Stella claps her hands. “We didn’t know we’d see you ladies here tonight.”
    Uhm… what? Let me find my brain to digest that statement. Didn’t you just sneak out of the birthday party without saying a word to anyone? But before my headache-fogged brain comes even close to comprehending what the hell Stella’s trying to pull off, Libby stomps her foot.
    “Honestly, Helga. Whatever has gotten into you? Why...” she looks apologetically at the dealer, who listens curiously, and says, “Excuse us, please.” She grasps Helga by the elbow and forces her to follow her away from the table.  
    I sit in the vacant chair next to grinning Stella and, crossing my legs and arms, say, “This was a hell of a plan, Stella.”
    “I know, right? Helga wanted to go gambling. She hasn’t been to casino since Blake passed away. That’s her last ex. I told her: it’s her birthday and she’s supposed to have fun.”
    Why I am not surprised? Stella’s just the type that would talk someone into a crazy adventure like this. I close my eyes and shake my head. “Why didn’t you say anything to anyone? Libby was about to call the police. She was scared that something really bad happened to Helga, and now she’s livid.”
    Stella waves her hand dismissively. “Rubbish. Libby’s too uptight. She needs to let her hair down before it all turns gray. And she needs to get laid. That woman hasn’t seen a naked man in years.”
    I sneak a peek at the card dealer. His lips are pressed into a tight line, and it’s evident he’s trying not to smile.  
    “I tried to hook her up with Roger from the country club, but no, not Libby. Roger’s a fine, fine man.” Stella takes a sip of her drink, and then her eyes open wider. She looks at me. “ You would like him! He’s only fifty… oh, wait. You have a boyfriend. I forgot. Colin’s a good kid. A very good kid. I’ve known him since his birth.”
    Speaking of Colin, he should be here already. I quickly text him: “We found Helga and Stella at Point Elliott. Where r u?”
    “Stella,” I interrupt her monolog. “Were you planning on taking Helga back home tonight?”
    “Not tonight. She wanted to stay at the hotel,” Stella says as if there is nothing wrong with the whole crazy plan.  
    “And when did you intend to call Libby or Colin?”
    She shrugs. “Give the old lady a break. It’s her birthday, after all. Who knows how many she’s got left to celebrate?”
    I know she’s right. Helga’s an adult, and if she wants to celebrate her birthday at a casino, she should be allowed to. But making Libby scared out of her wits with Helga’s disappearance wasn’t the right thing to do.  
    Jena, Caroline, and Svetlana find us and make haste in our direction. I see the Russian goons staying behind, curiously eyeing Stella. I bet they think she’s the run-away grandma. She’s got the right look to fit that profile.
    I sigh. “Stella, I know you meant well, and I know Helga wants to have fun, but couldn’t you just let Libby know where you were heading?”
    “Absolutely not. She would never let her go. Libby has it in her head that Helga is old and fragile, and that she needs to be protected at all cost.” She crosses her arms over her chest and looks at me defiantly.  
    “Hey, guys!” Jena hollers.  
    I realize I need to introduce Stella to my friends, and so I do. How many more introductions do I need to go through today?  
    “Cool place, isn’t it?” Stella reclines in her chair, stretching her arms behind her back. “Do you play poker, ladies?”
    “I do.” Svetlana nods eagerly.  
    Caroline shrugs. “A bit.”

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