Highland Games

Free Highland Games by Laura Hunsaker

Book: Highland Games by Laura Hunsaker Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Hunsaker
Tags: Romance, Time travel
long ago. Or if no’ that, then
mayhap you’d have been married off at a young age. Do you see that
we’d have never met? I’d nae have seen you smile, I’d nae have seen
your eyes flash when you’re angry with me, and I’d nae have held
you as you come undone. Piper, you were meant for me, and I for
you. Fate just helped that along.”
    When Colm spoke, he sounded so
certain. It made Piper want to believe, and to stay.
    A knocking at the door, followed by
Caelen’s voice, “Colm. It’s time.”
    “ Time for what?” Piper
asked, pressing up to her elbow.
    “ Caelen and I are going to
meet with one of Donald Grant’s men. We hope he has information
about your family.” Colm sat up, swinging his legs off the bed,
gloriously nude.
    “ I’m coming,
    Colm pressed her back into the
mattress. “Piper, you canna come.”
    She tried to toss her head, and
huffed, “Of course I can. Just take me with you.”
    “ Piper, can you ride a
    She blew out a breath. “No.” Colm
started to stand up again. “But can’t you just put me in front of
you on the saddle, or something?”
    Colm turned around, “Piper, even if
you could ride, I may have need of my sword this eve.”
    “ Oh, you mean you might
have to fight?”
    Colm shrugged a shoulder.
    “ But why are you going if
you think you’ll have to fight?”
    “ We need to speak with
Donald’s man. If it’s a trap, Caelen and I will no’ go
    “ Good, if you’re not going
alone, you can take me with you.”
    “ Piper,” Colm
    Ignoring the warning in
his voice, Piper continued, “Colm, I need to see if I have a
brother. I need to hear this man tell me I have a brother. I need this.”
    Colm narrowed his eyes.
    “ Besides, you know I’ll
just follow along after you leave.”
    “ No’ if I have you tied to
the bed,” he gritted.
    “ You wouldn’t.”
    At his narrowed look, Piper gasped.
“Fine, if you do that I’m out of here.” She started to climb off
the bed.
    Colm had her flat on her back in a
heartbeat, his face right in front of hers. “If you think I’ll let
you go now, you’d be mistaken. I’m keeping you, love.” He pressed a
hard, fast kiss to her parted lips. “You’re mine, love, and you’ll
no’ be leavin’ me.”
    “ Then you’ll have to tie
me to the bed, because the second you’re out the door, I’m
following after you.” Piper glared at him until another knock came
at the door.
    “ Colm, we leave now. If
you can’t be arsed to come, then I’ll grab Red Rob to ride out.
He’s always itchin’ for a good fight.”
    “ Caelen, you’d bloody well
better no’ grab Red Rob. He canna swing a sword to save his life,
and you ken that.”
    “ If you leave now, I’ll
follow you, I swear I will.” Piper glared at Colm, daring him to
tell her no.
    Colm deftly wrapped his plaid around
himself and if she hadn’t been so mad, maybe Piper would have
admired his skill.
    Colm ignored her fury and stepped to
the door. After a few heated words in Gaelic, he strode back in and
tossed her gown to her.
    “ I can come?”
    “ Doona make me regret

Chapter Eight
    Being a poorer clan, they had none of
the expensive war horses that some of the more prosperous clans
had. Both Caelen and Colm rode well-trained work horses. The
heavier body and thicker more muscular build made the draft horse a
more practical choice for men of their size. He stepped into his
stirrup and climbed on more gracefully than a man his size should
be able to do. Kicking one foot out of the stirrup, he held a hand
to Piper and said, “Place your foot in the stirrup, and grip my
    Colm was pleased Piper was following
directions. He was not pleased, however, that she had manipulated
him into bringing her. But she needed to meet this man too, if he
truly was who he said he was. The way things seemed to be falling
into place, the way the witch had manipulated them, Colm had a
feeling that this man was indeed her

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