Beyond Repair (Broken Girl Book 1)

Free Beyond Repair (Broken Girl Book 1) by Annie Hughes

Book: Beyond Repair (Broken Girl Book 1) by Annie Hughes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annie Hughes
extremely attractive. Her clumsy feet trip over something, and she giggles loudly as she lands on the ground. She holds the bottle up high.
    "It's safe!" She shouts to the empty street.
    Crap. She's bombed. Should I call Kate? No. Why should she have to get up in the middle of the night to drag her friend home again? Besides, we're still not exactly friends right now. Saying that, Lydia and me aren't two peas in a happy little pod either. Against my better judgement, I walk over. It's not like I can leave her like that, anything could happen to her, and then I'd never get my cousin to forgive me. She glances up as I approach, a wide smile spreading across her face. She really does have the most amazing smile, white and flawless, even when she’s trashed. Her eyes are slightly dimmed in her a drunken haze, but the unnatural shade of blue is still managing to shine through. They almost glow in the dark. Lydia has intoxicating eyes, so round and bright. I've gotten a little lost in them more times than I’m willing to admit. I take note of the purple hair she's sporting now, falling in waves around her.
    "Callum Reeves," she breathes, which would be sexy if she didn't follow it up with a hiccup.
    "Hey, Little Bit," I raise my eyebrow. "Doing okay?"
    She snorts a laugh.
    "Oh yeah, I'm awesome," Another hiccup. "Are you here to witness my graceful walk of shame? Or do ya just fancy a chat?"
    She laughs, or cackles is probably more appropriate, then lies back completely.
    Walk of shame . Has she been with someone tonight? Why does that make me mad? I don't care. Or at least I shouldn't. Damn it. I look her over, lying there with a peculiar smile on her face as she stares up at the stars. If she's just been with someone, why is she walking the streets in the middle of the night? Surely she could’ve stayed over. Or maybe there's a reason she can't stay over. Still, the guy could have at least walked her drunk ass home.
    "No, I was just on my way home and saw you out here. I thought I'd check and see if you need a ride?"
    Her eyes widen a fraction before she erupts with laughter. Apparently I'm a comedian. Isn't that just great?
    "Oh," she says, taking deep breaths. "That's a good one, Reeves."
    She rolls onto her knees and attempts to stand up, "But I've really got to get going."
    I lean back against the lamppost beside me, and shamelessly take in the curve of her ass as she presents it in a failed effort to upright herself. I never said I was a gentleman.
    "I have to get home, you know, before I lose it and give the fuckers here something else to gossip about," she giggles again, causing herself to almost meet the floor with her face. "Oh shit."
    When I can't take the show anymore I move over and take her by the hips, lifting her into a standing position. She turns and grips the arm that's still resting around her waist, her mouth opened slightly as she stares. Heat warms from where our skin is connected, our eyes locking onto each other’s. She's crazy , I tell myself over and over again, forcing myself to ignore the attraction. It’s hard though, really hard when I see the same heated passion looking back at me.
    "You..." she drifts, her head shaking as she blink rapidly. "You touched me."
    What the hell? Her grip on my arms tightens. Its then I notice how cold she is. Her smooth skin is like ice, a direct contrast to how hot I'm feeling right now.
    "I helped you up, Lyds, before you hurt your damn self."
    I don't know why, but I reach my arm to her face and brush back a stray strand of her bright purple hair. I force my voice to soften, "You're freezing, Little Bit. Come on, I can drive you home."
    "Why do you care?"
    She releases me and moves away. I reach out and take her by the arm, forcing my grip to be gentle. She freezes, visibly tensing before me. Okay, so she's not big on the touching. I let her go, and hold my hands up to show her I'm not going to do it again.
    "Lyds, please let me drive you home," I keep my voice

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