The Flame
His touch is hesitant at first. But then he adds pressure, exploring her. His fingers press down and revisit the places along her inner thighs that make her gasp and moan. Then they graze the edges of her pussy, teasingly. Again and again and again. Slow, matching circles of sweet torture on either side of her mound.
    “Have you ever tasted a woman before, Shane?” Andrew asks with a devilish smile only she can see.
    Don’t, Andrew. Don’t remind him he’s never done this before just when he’s about to finally—
    “Yes,” Shane answers.
    What? When? If Shane’s breaths weren’t grazing her clit, she would probably bolt upright from shock.
    “Superboy,” Andrew says, “I thought we don’t keep secrets from each other.”
    “We don’t,” Shane whispers. “Anymore.”
    And then, without a word of warning, her best friend’s lips encircle her swollen nub. And as the pleasure arcs through her, she has a mad desire to say his name over and over and over again. She’s said his name thousands, if not millions, of times before. She’s shouted it across crowded restaurants. Barked it while laughing at one of his stupid jokes. But to say his name now, as he probes her with his tongue, would be to change the very nature of it, to change the nature of him , to change the nature of the two of them, together. Not just two of them, she realizes when she feels Andrew squeezing her thighs on either side of Shane’s head. The three of them.
    What starts as a gentle, hesitant nibble turns into a suckling that makes her cry out. Instinctively, she reaches for the back of his head, for that fine blond hair she’s run her fingers through time and time again over the years, wondering each time what it would be like if the rules fell away, if labels ceased to exist. If they could have a moment like this. But before Cassidy can grip the back of Shane’s head, Andrew grabs her wrist and firmly drives it to the comforter beside her. This is Andrew’s lesson to give. For now, Andrew is in control. After all, he’s the one who promised to set them free.
    “Who was she?” Andrew asks, his voice thick with desire. He pulls Shane’s mouth away from Cassidy’s pussy. Shane’s chin is lathered in her juices.
    “No one. A client.”
    Jealousy, curiosity, and desire move through Cassidy in a swirl that curls her toes. Then her husband begins to lick her juices off of Shane’s chin. His tongue finds Shane’s. The two men meet in a passionate kiss, sharing the taste of her, and each other, for the first time. Her husband is more than just a director now. He’s kissing another man— with her. For her. As hungry for the feel of Shane’s lips as he is for the taste of her very essence.
    “Just a client?” Andrew asks.
    “And her husband,” Shane whispers.
    “At the same time?” Andrew asks.
    It feels as if Andrew is reading her mind, asking the very questions she would ask if overwhelming desire hadn’t rendered her voiceless and boneless.
    “Yes,” Shane whispers, and then he licks up her folds, finding her clit at the end with a mad flicker.
    “And did you like it?”
    “While it was happening, yes.” Shane gasps. But he’s staring down at Cassidy’s wet heat, spreading her lips gently with both fingers, taking occasional, exploratory licks along the inside of her folds. Learning her. Memorizing her. Worshiping her. “But when it was over,” he says. Lick. Lick. Breathe. Lick. “All I wanted was you.” With precision and care, he takes her swollen nub in between thumb and forefinger, rolls it gently, then looks up, studying her face, watching the delicious transformation each wave of pleasure sends through her expression. “ Both of you.”
    “Shane…” Don’t ever stop. Don’t ever leave. Don’t ever be afraid again.
    “Both of you,” Shane says again. “Always.”
    As Andrew’s tongue travels the nape of Shane’s neck, Shane stares into her eyes, hypnotized by the sight of her laid bare to him

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