boy to her house and cared for him, and she was paid
money by the princess to look after her very own
baby. Cool plan, huh? When he was older she took
him to the princess, and the princess took him to be
her own son. The princess called him Moses, a name
that means to come from the water, and little Moses
grew up to be a prince of Egypt. Satan was angry
because he had been so busy trying to make sure all
the baby boys were killed, and now one of them was
going to be a prince in Egypt.
So Moses grew up living in the palace. He knew
he was a Hebrew because he often visited his mother
and she told him all about the Lord and His promise
to Israel. Moses had the very best teachers in all of
Just Because
Egypt so he learned to read and write. He didn’t
know he was being prepared by the Lord, and Satan
didn’t know either. Meanwhile the Jewish people
were forced to keep making large cities and build-
ings for Pharaoh. All day long they were forced to
make bricks. It was very hot in Egypt, and they had
to sweat in the sun and were never given any money
for their work. They had to keep hiding their baby
boys, and they prayed to God to help them. Some
of them had almost given up praying because they
thought the Lord didn’t care anymore. Some of them
wondered why the Lord had allowed such evil things
to happen to them, but the Lord had promised when
He made people that He would never force anyone
to follow Him.
So the first part of the Lord’s plan was started,
and it was a great plan. Lit le Moses was brought
up by his own mother and also as a prince of Egypt.
His mother was very happy because instead of her
son being drowned he was alive and was a prince.
She trusted the Lord. Satan thought he was winning
the bat le with God, but he was wrong. Out of the
same river that had swal owed the lit le boys came
a lit le boy who was a prince of Egypt, a lit le
boy who would become a powerful servant of the
Lord. He didn’t know it yet, but the Lord often has
a wonderful plan for people if only they wil trust
Him, Just Because He has a special plan for every
person’s life, not only princes.
Chapter 16
One day when Moses was about forty years
old he was riding around in his chariot where
the slaves were working. He saw an Egyptian slave
master take a Hebrew slave where he thought no one
could see him, and he was beating him up and hit ing
him with his whip. Moses was very angry because
he knew he was a Hebrew himself and he couldn’t
stand to see this man being hurt like that. Moses
looked around to see if anyone could see him, and
then he ran over and grabbed the slave master. There
was a fight, and Moses ended up kil ing the slave
master. Moses had been trained to fight as wel as to
read and write.
The next day Moses was driving around, and he
saw two Hebrew men having a fight. He rushed over
and stopped them and demanded to know why these
two guys were fighting each other. The men stopped
fighting, but they were still angry.
One of them yelled at Moses, “Who made you
our king? Are you going to kill us as you killed the
Egyptian yesterday?”
Just Because
Moses was worried Pharaoh would find out he
had killed an Egyptian. Pharaoh didn’t like Moses
because he hated all Hebrews, and guess what? He
did find out. Moses decided the best thing to do
would be to get out of Egypt as fast as he could so he
grabbed a few things and left. He ran into the desert
where Pharaoh’s soldiers wouldn’t be able to find
him, and he went on a search for water. Moses had
taken some water with him, but there wasn’t much
left; he was also feeling alone. He wasn’t really alone
because the Lord was with him, and the Lord had
some big plans for this guy.
Finally he found a well, a hole similar to the one
Joseph’s brothers had thrown him into four hundred
years before, but this one had lots of nice cold water.
Moses had a long cool drink and sat