Cowgirl Up and Ride
    Cord relayed what he’d seen in the Golden Boot. “Only thing he cares about is gettin’ laid and gettin’ drunk. And if you think I’m exaggeratin’, ask Dad. He knows what Colt ain’t been doin’ around here.”
    Colby sighed. “I did. That’s why he sent me. He says you’re workin’ too hard.”
    “Dad said that? He oughta talk. I ain’t doin’ any more than what I usually do—which just proves that Colt ain’t been doin’ his share. Not just this week, either. Ever since calving season.”
    “Didja try talkin’ to him ’bout it?”
    “Yeah. I even talked to Kade since he lives with him, see if he noticed anything.
    Kade don’t see nothin’ wrong, so I dropped it.”
    “You done here?”
    “Was ’bout to head home. Why?”
    “Channing told me to ask you to supper.”
    “She feelin’ better?”
    “Nope. Still sick as a dog. Doc says it’ll pass next month. Ma says it’ll pass next month.” He scrubbed a hand over his jaw. “Hard to be excited when she’s so miserable.”
    “It gets better. And I’ll bet she’s happy even when she’s throwin’ up.”
    Colby smiled. “True. Anyway, she knows you’re missin’ Ky, we’re missin’ him too.
    So you wanna come over?”
    “Nah. Tell the mama-to-be thanks and I’ll wait ’til she’s feelin’ up to company.”
    “Good enough. You care if I hang around tomorrow and keep an eye on Colt?”
    “I’d appreciate it. I’m runnin’ behind. Again.”
    Cord threw his tools in the back of his truck and started the drive home. The summer air was heavy with heat. Gnats buzzed around his head. Burrs stuck to his clothes. He was hungry. Dirty. Still, this was his favorite part of ranching, gazing across his spread, knowing he’d accomplished something important during the long hours he’d spent outdoors.
    About this time he looked forward to cleaning up. Having a bite to eat with his son.
    Playing games or watching TV before wrestling Ky into bed. 63

    Lorelei James
    But after he’d tucked Ky in for the night…that’s when he felt lonely on occasion.
    Not a constant ache, more along the lines of a distant memory of the throb of a broken finger. Seemed he’d been alone so long he was used to it.
    Yet, Cord wouldn’t be alone tonight. AJ would be rolling in. AJ with her big silver eyes. AJ with her sweet smile and inquisitive nature. AJ with her hungry kisses and look of wonder.
    How could she be both innocent and daring? Why had she picked him, a cranky old man with no life, according to his brother, to initiate her into the pleasures between the sheets?
    Why hadn’t AJ chosen Colt? He was closer to her in age. More charming. Probably had a lot of experience breaking in virgins.
    But Cord knew if his brother so much as looked at AJ with lust in his eyes he’d beat the living shit out of him.
    Lord. Part of him was plain nervous. Just how was he supposed to pop her cherry?
    Candlelight, soft music, champagne and a slow seduction? Did he have the patience to create an elaborate scene?
    No. But what if that was how she’d dreamed it would be?
    He’d never been a romantic guy. Maybe he oughta take her hard and fast in the heat of passion. Then they could try some of the more interesting scenarios he’d been thinking up when he’d been alone out on the range all day.
    No matter what cues she gave him, Cord knew tonight was the night and he better get a move on.

    Cowgirl Up and Ride

Chapter Nine
    After Cord returned home, his dad swung by. They talked about the worsening situation with Colt. Discussing plans for the rest of the workweek. Ranch stuff Cord lived and breathed. Usually Cord convinced his dad to stick around for another beer, but tonight he couldn’t wait for the man to leave.
    And didn’t that make him a selfish bastard? Did it make him a nancy boy that he’d spent extra time on his appearance? Trimming his mustache and goatee. Giving himself a close shave.

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