explicit? Is it not enough to say that he was educated at the Cadet Corps and leave it at that?’
‘Are you suggesting that everyone who comes out of the Cadet Corps engages in the kind of degenerate practices you refer to?’
‘Not at all. But if I say educated at the Cadet Corps with an unusual emphasis, whilst winking significantly, surely it is enough for you to pick up the hint?’
‘But you wink so often that it is hard to say when it is done significantly and when it simply occurs as the result of some neurological spasm.’
‘Neurological spasm? I do not suffer from spasms, neurological or otherwise. However, I cannot help it if I am beset by an excess of significance in my professional life, which necessitates a higher than average rate of winking.’
‘And blinking.’
‘Ah now, the blinking is something different. The blinking is an involuntary physiological function. We all do it, even you, Pavel Pavlovich. I have no control over that.’
‘You have control over everything you do, Porfiry Petrovich.’
‘My, how you do exaggerate my abilities, Pavel Pavlovich.’
‘Do you wish to interview this Prince Bykov?’
‘Not formally. I may have a friendly word with him if the occasion arises. I am interested to know how he has fared in the years since last I saw him.’
Virginsky fixed Porfiry with a stare that bristled with astonishment.
‘Why are you looking at me like that?’
‘Do you think it wise to be seen on friendly terms with such a man?’
‘Why would it not be?’
‘You have admitted that you know him to be a homosexual.’
‘What are you suggesting? That I am in some way imperilling myself? I am sure that Prince Bykov will be able to control himself in my presence.’
‘Do not make jokes about this, Porfiry Petrovich. Consider your position as a magistrate. Homosexuality is against the law, as you well know. By consorting with a known homosexual, you are in effect consorting with a criminal.’
‘I won’t be consorting with anyone!’
Virginsky’s head rocked backwards, as if buffeted by a wave of incredulity.
‘I am surprised at you, Pavel Pavlovich,’ continued Porfiry. ‘As one of the new men, as a man of the future. Does the golden future you envisage hold no place for men such as Prince Bykov?’
Virginsky did not answer. Porfiry went back to studying the statements. ‘I will talk to this Bakhmutov first. Will you kindly arrange it, Pavel Pavlovich?’
‘I will send a politseisky to fetch him.’
‘Ivan Iakovich Bakhmutov?’ said Porfiry dubiously. The young man with ruddy cheeks and blond hair whom Virginsky had just admitted was not at all what Porfiry had expected from the notes.
‘Ah – no. I am his private secretary, Ardalion Gavrilovich Velchaninov.’
Porfiry glared at Virginsky in bemusement.
Virginsky addressed Velchaninov sharply: ‘My orders were for Ivan Iakovich to come here himself. The magistrate needs to talk to him in person.’
‘Yes, yes indeed. But he sent me to find out what you need to know. If I could take a list of your questions to him, Ivan Iakovich would be very happy to supply you with all the answers at his soonest convenience. By tomorrow lunchtime at the latest. Ivan Iakovich feels it would be a better way to proceed. He really is ready to go home now, and does not feel that any purpose would be served by your interviewing him tonight. He really is most, most tired .’ Velchaninov shook his head to emphasise his point. ‘It has been a shattering experience.’
‘No no no!’ cried Porfiry, slapping both hands down on the table. ‘That is not how things are done. You may be at his beck and call, but we are not. Bring him here.’
‘I fear he may already have left.’
‘ Im- possible! I gave orders that no one was to leave.’
‘Yes, but, as I’m sure you understand, Ivan Iakovich is a very important person. Your orders, I’m sure, were not intended to include everyone.’
Porfiry’s mouth gaped in
Gina Whitney, Leddy Harper