Accidental Fiancee

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Book: Accidental Fiancee by Mary Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Moore
    “Oh, Grace!” Lydia ran across the room and sat down beside her. “I do not mind if your wedding takes precedence. You know I do not.”
Lord Weston demanded from the fireplace. All sound in the room stopped except for the teacups rattling in their saucers. He looked at each individual in turn, finally settling his glance on Grace. He walked to her and pulled her up gently by the hand to stand next to him.
    “Grace, I will not have them ride roughshod over you. Do you feel capable and well able to handle this?” She nodded. “Good.”
    He then turned to the rest of the room at large. “I believe Lady Grace has as much experience socially, albeit not always in London, to adequately plan her sister’s come-out. I agree with her suggestion that we keep the main focus on Lydia, and share our engagement celebrations with her.” Grace could have kissed him! “Mrs. Burstow, Grace has not had a wedding, however, and I feel sure she will appreciate any
you and my sisters may offer.”
    But Lady Wright had her back up. “I had planned on offering Wright House for your betrothal ball. It is just outside of town and would prevent the crush of carriages such a large ball usually entails. But clearly, you know better than I. Margaret, we can leave, and I am sure they will let us know the date of the wedding.” She reached over to the table next to her and lifted her muff.
    Grace’s frustration grew. Brandon’s deliberate setdown of his sister had to be smoothed over. “Please, my lady, do not wash your hands of us yet. Lord Weston seems quite used to getting his own way. But I
he could never mean to exclude any of you in the process of coordinating such a large event. You are more than kind to offer your home for our ball, and we will be delighted to accept. What I hoped was that we could begin with Lydia’s introduction into Society
so that she may meet people her own age, and do the pretty to all of Aunt Aggie’s friends.” She paused to see if there was any thaw at all in Lady Wright. There was not.
    “Of course, I will need to be with her as Aunt Aggie chaperones her to a few of these preliminary entertainments, but I see no need for Lord Weston to be dragged, kicking and screaming, to such tame activities.” She smiled at Mrs. Hale’s choked laugh. “When Lydia goes to her first ball, or whichever function his lordship wishes to attend, I am sure we will receive our fair share of congratulations on our engagement.”
    Lord Weston summed it up. “If you are still so inclined, Elizabeth, we may share with Grace’s sister the ball you wish to host. As Lydia will be your new sister-in-law, I do not think anyone would look askance if her ball were at your home. Would three weeks’ time be adequate to prepare? Elizabeth, you and Grace may select the date that best suits you both.”
    Grace began to squirm as she realized that was very close to the time she intended to call
the engagement. They could not plan Lydia’s come-out ball at Lady Wright’s home if she and Lord Weston were no longer betrothed! She tried tugging her hand from his, but he only tightened his grip. “Indeed, it will be quite a coup for us all, and I would certainly be more than grateful.”
    “Tomorrow, Grace and I will begin making and receiving calls to introduce Lydia,” Aunt Aggie said, tapping her finger against her chin. “Within a week, we may all be able to attend functions together, to share the two celebrations.”
    Lord Weston kept Grace’s hand in his and she finally stopped struggling. Oh, but she would love to give him a piece of her mind. Why would he not let her go?
    “Elizabeth, I will be removing the Weston emeralds from the vault to have them cleaned,” he announced. “I will present the ring to Grace at the earliest possible moment. That should stop the tongues that may still be wagging.”
    Grace turned toward him in surprise and grabbed his hand with both of hers.

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