Accidental Fiancee

Free Accidental Fiancee by Mary Moore

Book: Accidental Fiancee by Mary Moore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Moore
Mrs. Hale. Lydia had never been to the town house before two days ago. I have been in London several times and have come to love my mother’s touch everywhere. The entry hall is my favorite. I hope you may soon see the way the chandelier lights up the tapestries in the evenings. And I must introduce you to Max before you leave. He is my knight in shining armor!” She smiled at each of them.
    Brandon watched as she effortlessly protected Lydia
let her love for the house show in her words. That his favorite room was the same as hers did not surprise him.
    “But my father rarely comes to Town, so it is almost as new to Lydia as it is to you. Our betrothal,” she said, as she looked at Lord Weston and blushed, “happened rather unexpectedly. Our true purpose in coming to London is to bring Lydia out.”
    “Oh, I see,” Maggie said, smiling at them both. “This shall be a most exciting Season. Lady Lydia will be the reigning belle, and with your wedding, Society may never be the same!”
    Finally, his sister Elizabeth spoke again. “I see we have much more to do than I’d originally realized. I am very glad we pushed for this hasty introduction. We have much to discuss. I think the sooner we get some of the details settled, the sooner we can begin our planning.”
    His sister had directed her words to Grace’s aunt, assuming, he supposed, that the two younger women had no notion how to go on. Brandon could see Grace’s eyes beginning to flash emerald, and thought his sister might finally have met her match.
    “Brandon,” Elizabeth continued, “I am sure you must have somewhere else you would rather be. You may take yourself off while we discuss arrangements.”
    He did have an appointment with Lord Langdon in an hour; he wanted to be sure he saw him as soon as possible after the announcement in the paper. But he would stay where he was for as long as he could. He did not want to miss a moment! “Elizabeth, I resent the assertion that I would rather be anywhere but with my intended,” he said in a wounded tone.
    He leaned casually back against the mantel and waited for the fireworks.
    * * *
    Grace sat listening quietly for several minutes, her practical self screaming to get out.
    “I do not see why we cannot combine the two events to some extent, do you?” Lady Wright asked Grace’s aunt. “I think, however, the first thing we need to decide is the date of the wedding. Lady Lydia will certainly be a big part of all the betrothal celebrations, and will be seen in the best Society.”
Grace and I
will decide when the wedding will be,” Lord Weston interjected decidedly.
    “Well, of course you will, Brandon,” Lady Wright admonished. “But since neither of you has planned a wedding before, we are only offering our advice.”
    “Of course you are, Elizabeth,” he mocked her. “As of yet, however, we have not discussed a date. Therefore, we will need time to make our decision.” Brandon looked at Grace and asked, “Does that meet with your approval, love?”
    She would have to ignore the endearment, which she was positive he used with every woman he met. “May I make a suggestion?” she asked. Her teeth were beginning to clench and she had to force herself to keep a smile on her face. “Perhaps we should begin by planning Lydia’s come-out, as we originally intended. Lord Weston and I may then share in
events. After all, our betrothal has already been announced.”
    The room turned into a cacophony of sound as everyone started to speak at once.
    “We appreciate your concern for your sister,” Lady Wright began, “but the engagement of a marquess certainly has priority over the come-out of a young lady.”
    “Oh, Lady Grace, you have hit on just the thing,” Maggie said excitedly, getting into the spirit. “We can schedule Lady Lydia’s come-out ball, introduce her to our friends, and your aunt’s, of course, and then also officially celebrate your betrothal at that same

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