Out of the Depths

Free Out of the Depths by Valerie Hansen

Book: Out of the Depths by Valerie Hansen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Valerie Hansen
in his voice that betrayed his emotional involvement. He didn’t try to hide it. All he wanted to do at that moment was take this foolish, brave, outspoken woman in his arms and hold her tight, as much for his own consoling as for hers. Only his sense of propriety held him back.
    When she put her hand to her forehead and began toact woozy, however, he set aside his reservations, gave in to the urge and reached for her.
    Trudy Lynn stepped into his waiting embrace as if she expected it. Needed it. She slipped her arms around his waist, laid her cheek on his chest and shivered. “I won’t be stupid like that again, I promise.”
    His hold tightened briefly. “Good. I don’t think my heart can take much more excitement.”
    “Mine, either.”
    He heard a stifled sob and began to soothe her the way he would a frightened child. “It’s okay. Nothing bad happened. I’ve got you. You’re safe.”
    She leaned back slightly to look at him through teary eyes and said simply, “I know.”

    T he taller man clenched his fists and glared at his companion. “I don’t believe it!”
    “She surprised me, that’s all.”
    “And you turned tail like a cur.”
    “What was I supposed to do? She came out of nowhere, yellin’ and swingin’ that paddle. She could have killed me.”
    “You had the crowbar, you idiot. Why didn’t you stand your ground?”
    “I told you. I wasn’t expectin’ anybody to get down there till I was long gone. She must have been waitin’ for me. How do you suppose she knew I was comin’?”
    “I’ve been wondering the same thing. Who did you tell?”
    “Nobody. I never said a word about what we were up to.”
    “Not we . You,” the first man said flatly. “I’m in the clear and I plan to keep it that way. Don’t make me change my mind or get somebody else to take your place.”
    “I told you I’d handle Trudy Lynn, and I will.”
    “Like you did this time?” He spat into the dirt at their feet. “I should have known better than to include you in my plans. You’re the one weak link.”
    “No, I’m not. I just had a little trouble, that’s all. Next time, I’ll finish the job, even if a whole posse comes chargin’ after me.”
    His eyes narrowed menacingly. “Suppose you’re arrested? What then?”
    “They can’t prove I was doing anything wrong.”
    “What if she chases you again? What will you do?”
    “Yes, do. If she comes after you, I expect you to defend yourself. Understand? I want you to hit her. Hard. Got that?”
    “But…what if I hurt her bad or…kill her?”
    The taller man snorted cynically before he answered, “Then I’ll go to her funeral and shed a few tears before I buy the place at auction and close it down.” He smiled. “The more I think about it, the better that plan sounds.”
    “No way!”
    “I was afraid you’d chicken out,” he said with a thoughtful nod. “Okay. I’ll give you one more week.”
    “Then what?”
    Turning away he said, “You don’t want to know.”
    The beam from a flashlight was bouncing down the hill, signaling the arrival of help from the main camp. Trudy Lynn stepped away from Cody, feeling like a teenager caught kissing her boyfriend good-night on her parents’ front porch.
    “I hope that’s Will,” Cody said. “I’m not looking forward to heading back to my cabin without my crutches.”
    “You did okay just now.”
    “Only because I was afraid for you,” he said. “I imagine I’ll pay for it later.”
    “I’m so sorry. I only brought you the hot chocolate to be neighborly.”
    “I know.” He pointed to the place where she’d dropped the vandal’s weapon. “Better not touch that again. We’ll let the sheriff handle it. There may be fingerprints.”
    “Uh-oh. I never thought of that when I picked it up.”
    “That’s because you’re an upstanding citizen, not a crook.” He cleared his throat noisily. “Speaking of your sterling reputation, I’m sorry about what just

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