Jaded Hearts
voice. I wasn't dreaming but Julian was here and it was his
soft tongue that was delicately licking and suckling my
    When he grasped I was finally awake he
dazzled me with that rare, but amazing smile of his.
    "Good morning, bella. I thought you would
never open those sexy honey eyes of yours. Even in your sleep
you're a little tiger." He kissed each nipple goodbye as he rolled
alongside of me. I stretched languidly against him.
    "You know, you really should do that more,"
I suggested.
    "What? Give you a wake-up call with your
nipples in my mouth?" He studied me with amusement.
    I rolled my eyes as I took my hand and
stroked his cheek.
    "No, silly. Smile,” I replied.
    I ran my fingertips across his lips and he
gently kissed each one.
    "I would if I always had a reason to,” he
    "What do you mean?" I was truly
    "I mean, I want you to be mine. All the
time. Every day and every night."
     He wanted me to give myself to him,
entirely, but I just wasn't ready to. Was I?
    "Jules! You don't even know me," I
    "I know how I feel about you. Some things
you just know," he said evenly.
    "What are you saying? How do you know that
this feeling is going to last? It always feels good in the
    "Do you remember when we first met? When you
bumped into me? Amor a primera vista. I've
wanted you since then,” he said.
    Love at first sight? Oh lord...
    "Wanted. That sounds physical,” I
    "Yes, that's part of it. I also want more. I
want to know that you're mine. I want to take care of you. I want
    "Take care of me?"  I mused.
    This reminded me of Evan.
    "Can't we just get to know each other
first?" I asked. The level of attraction I had for him was enormous
and terrifying, but I wanted to tell him that I barely knew
    I'm not doing that again.  
    I knew he wouldn't like my response and the
frown on his face showed it. He rolled onto his back, pulling me on
top of him. I straddled his hips and leaned into him, holding onto
either side of his broad chest. I heard the pounding of his heart,
and then I heard him sigh.
    "Jade, I know this is too fast, too soon,
crazy, whatever you want to call it. I also know that I've never,
ever, thought about someone as much as I do you, or wanted someone
as much as I want you. I went home last night planning on teaching
you a lesson. When I saw the dejected look on your face when I said
I was going home it nearly killed me. When Victor dropped me off, I
couldn't even go into my own home, and drove myself back here to
find your lights still on. I knew you were thinking of me too.
Baby, tell me I'm not going insane."  He buried his face into
my hair even as his voice demanded that I answer.
    He was right. My heart surged for the first
time instead of my lady parts. I sat up on his chest pressing my
face to his. He cupped my face in his hands as he studied my eyes
trying to read my reaction. I felt the same emotion that was
dancing in his eyes. Fear.
    "I love looking into your eyes. Tienes los ojos más bonitos del mundo." He placed small
kisses along the side of my face as he continued to tell me how
beautiful I was.  I had to force myself not to squirm away
from his embrace. I still wasn't used to such an intense display of
affection, and my insides flip-flopped as my emotions battled
against my mind.
    Can this be real? Can he be real?
    "I'm no good at this Jules. I'm scared," I
    "I think about you just as much and I want
you constantly. That scares me. I've never felt so out of control.
I feel like I'm losing it, and I don't know what to do,” I
confessed between ragged breaths.
    Julian held me tighter as he tried to
comfort my sudden anxiety attack.
    "Shh. Bella. Don't be
afraid of your feelings."  
    I rested my head on his chest until the
pounding in my ears lessened and then I heard his heart beating.
    I kissed every inch of his face to ease the
emotion that I saw since I knew my words wouldn't. For once he

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