Jaded Hearts
drop my
    My heart raced as I crept over to the door
to see who it was. Surely one of my few neighbors would not be
asking to borrow sugar at this time of the night. I gradually
opened my peephole to find two beautiful green eyes staring back at
    How did he get up here?
    I took a deep breath and braced myself as I
opened the door. Julian stood there with that hungry look that
never failed to terrify me. I stared at him speechless. He walked
towards me circling his arms around my waist as he pulled me into
an embrace.
    "I need you Baby."
    That was all he said. My satin robe fell to
the ground in the shuffle to get skin to skin. He pulled his shirt
off and kicked away his shoes while I unbuckled his belt and
loosened his pants. Once he was finally naked our bodies took over
pressing together with the same powerful intensity of two magnets.
His need was raw and focused while mine was violent and frantic.
The sight of him made my mouth salivate with lust and I craved the
taste of him. I tried to bend to my knees to get face to face with
my dessert of choice, but Julian grabbed me by my wrists and pulled
me back against him.
    "Easy, baby. Look at me. Easy." His tone was
soft and soothing. I whimpered in frustration.
    "Jules, I need you too baby. I need you
inside me, please. I can't wait anymore." He smiled as I begged and
pleaded for him to give it to me.
    "You see how you feel now? Crazy with
wanting me so bad that it hurts? That's how I feel for you.
Always." He continued to hold me against him as he proved his
point, and at that moment I totally understood, but it didn't
change the fact that we were both here naked.
    "Ooh Baby. I know, I know. Please don't
punish me baby. Give it to me,” I begged softly in his ear well
aware of his erection jolting against my stomach in tortured
arousal. I pushed my body into his rubbing the hungry beast that
betrayed its master, ready and willing to do any and everything to
his sexy body.
    "Dammit Woman. You don't play fair," he
growled. I turned my face up to his offering my wine stained lips
for a kiss. Parting them ever so slowly and letting my tongue peek
out. Hungry lips pressed into mine.
    Hmm-mm. Finally.
    I didn't let up.
    "Yes, Baby. More, I need more. You taste so
good. I want to taste more of you,” I urged. Me begging? Jules
speechless? The universe was clearly, defunct.
    Julian pulled my arms around his neck, and
lifted me against him to take me to the couch. He sat down pulling
me with him, not letting me straddle him completely. I knelt over
him as he took one hand and massage my clit, rubbing the slick
evidence of how bad I wanted him, while his other hand gripped and
tugged his erection. I shuddered as my sanity began to escape
    His expression of raw determination to tease
me as he fought his own growing insanity was too much to bear. He
matched the movement of his thumb on my clit with the movement of
the other thumb that slid over the head of his penis. My legs began
to shake as I fought the instinctual need to let me body slam down
over what I needed the most, just inches below. Two fingers slid
inside me as the palm of his hand rubbed against where his thumb
had been. Pulling his fingers out he cupped a handful of my oozing
juices and used that hand to massage his rock hard erection.
    "Now, you can taste us both." He offered his
penis like a gift.
    "Suck me."
    Um mm mm, my dream felt sooo real.
    The most skillful hands to ever grace my
skin were caressing my body. I moaned with pleasure as a sexy voice
from far away called my name. Was that Julian? I waited for the
voice to come again but there was silence. Then a soft caress of a
tongue circling my nipple caused a slow burn to spread from my
center. I tried to look down to see who this mystery man was.
    Where am I?
    I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't. A
brief moment of panic ensued and then the sweet burn took over. Oh,
it felt so good.
    My eyes struggled open at the sound of my

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