
Free Grounded by Constance Sharper

Book: Grounded by Constance Sharper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Constance Sharper
Mikhail can break in and steal it.”
    Samuel was an older harpie, Adalyn’s father, and had once been the servant and friend to Jericho. It wouldn’t be surprising that he alone kept Jericho’s journal.
    “Is that off the coast of California again? We’re both banned from there. It’ll be almost impossible to sneak in.” She pointed out. Samuel resided in the harpie court, an official island off of the coast of California. Avery had been there last winter and before they left, the officials of the island had politely told Mason and Avery to never show their faces there again. Well, politely may not have been the word for it.
    “No, he has a home in Portland Oregon now since his service to the Prince is over.”
    Avery’s mood lit up just a bit. She’d never been in Portland but she knew the place as being urban and green, different and welcoming. Over two million humans lived in the city so the harpie population must have been discreet.
    “Do you think Samuel will let us have the book? Or will we have to do another break in?”
    Mason’s eyes dropped to the floor and he unraveled his arm from Avery’s shoulders.
    “It’s more complicated than that.” He admitted.
    “Adalyn will be there, won’t she?” Avery asked.
    It made sense considering that Samuel was Adalyn’s father. Mason had flown from Portland instead of California which explained how quickly he’d arrived in Moose Pass. Before Mason could even get the idea, she commented, “Don’t ask for her help. She just tried to kill me.”
    Mason scooted away to break their closeness and pushed his hands into his hair.
    “She’ll know we’re there. Even if we do cloak and dagger, she’ll feel the magic from that close.” He pointed out.
    The magic in their bodies, Mason’s more than hers, did have a way of radiating out an energy signal. Though weak, select harpies could sense it a mile away.
    Especially those who had spent time with them-- especially harpies like Adalyn.
    Avery groaned, thinking of the dooming complications. Mason and her relationship aside, she refused to even acknowledge Adalyn after the Patrick hit man experience.
    “What do you plan to do about her then?” Avery asked but her question came off harsher than intended. Mason still had feelings for Adalyn and at the end of the day, those feelings would ultimately skew his better judgment.
    “I can go without you. I never told her why I left so I can go, sneak in and get the book.”
    Avery took a breath to resist going overboard. She suffered through with logic.
    “What if Patrick comes and kills me while you’re gone?”
    Mason shot her a calculating look.
    “We’ll both go to Portland. You’ll house up somewhere not far away and wait. It’s our only choice. If Mikhail gets that book, then there’s nothing stopping him from making another amulet and coming back at us full force.”
    He stood up and went for the doors. Avery bit her lip and managed to stay quiet. Though she still had a number of discrepancies to work out, Mason had a point. They needed to move quickly and she’d pick apart the problems later. Avery headed back for the hotel room. She needed to tell Nate she was leaving. She needed to tell Nate to cover for her and protect Leela. He would do that, he had to. He was at the edge of Harpie world, and she was being pulled in deeper.


Avery let out a deep breath. Only ten minutes in Portland and they were already having problems. It wasn’t the current situation that had her on edge. She was still unsettled from the choppy flight into the city, the lack of sleep, and the pain medication sitting in her empty stomach. Her wound still stung but she had it properly wrapped and hidden underneath a jacket.
    Though Moose Pass was barely a day past, it certainly seemed far away now.
    “I’ll need your identification with the credit card.” The hotel clerk across the wooden bar got her attention. For the second time in two days, she was trying to get

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