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Book: i 0e57392105b539eb by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
    pausing occasionally to stare at the vidscreen. “What the hell is taking so
    It was the fourth time she’d asked him in as many hours, and Kai
    answered as he had before. “Soon. Patience.”
    “Easy for you to say,” she shot back, whirling to face him with her
    hands fisted on her hips. “You’re about a billion years old. I’m sure a
    couple of days is like a heartbeat to you, but some of us happen to be
    mortal. Time is precious.”
    With an internal sigh, he closed the vidscreen he’d been working on
    and pushed back from his desk. Then he muttered a simple summoning
    charm, transporting Ivy across the room and into his lap. She kicked and
    squealed, squirming against him as she slapped halfheartedly at his
    “Don’t,” she gasped, “do that!”
    “Dove, calm yourself.” He combed his fingers through her golden
    hair, loving the way she relaxed into him at once. “Now, tell me what
    really has your tail twisted.”
    Ivy stared at him for several heartbeats before she burst into peels of
    giggles. “You’ve been spending too much time with Sion.”
    “Did I say it incorrectly?” Damn, he loved the way she laughed, the
    way her eyes sparkled when she smiled.

    “No, that was good.” Warm breath rushed from her parted lips as she
    tucked her knees to her chest and rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m
    just tired of doing nothing, I guess. I’m not used to having so much free
    time. And you know, I’d also like to point out that it’s been three days
    for you .” She toyed with the ends of his hair, twirling the strands through
    her long fingers. “For me, it feels like it’s been a week.”
    In some ways, Kai understood what she meant. Since their initial
    introduction, he’d wanted nothing more than to take her to his quarters
    and worship her body until neither of them could move. After their first
    kiss—which he now understood had been rash on his part—he realized
    his intended would require a less direct approach.
    So, he’d given her time, hadn’t pressured her for more than she could
    give, but the wait was agonizing. Having her tight body curled against
    him, her sweet scent filling his nose, was the best kind of torture, but he
    didn’t know how much longer his self-control would last.
    “I could distract you,” he offered. Realizing how his suggestion could
    be misconstrued, he coughed to clear the gravel from his voice and
    hurried to explain. “You wanted to know more about magic, yes? I could
    teach you.”
    “Nice thought, but I don’t actually have any magic.” She sat up in his
    lap, surprising him by leaning in to press their lips together in a lingering
    kiss. “Thanks for the offer, though.”
    Battling back indecent thoughts, he twirled his wrist twice,
    producing a small, silver pendant with a glittering black stone in the

    center. Once they’d bonded, she’d be able to share his magic, but until
    then, she’d need a little help.
    “For you.”
    “Show off,” she teased, but she took the pendant delicately between
    her fingers. “It’s beautiful.”
    “The stone comes from the mountains of the Northern Isle.” He
    cradled the outside of her hand, idly caressing her wrist with his thumb.
    “We call it lakatsa , or a wishing stone.” Sliding a finger under his mate’s
    chin, he turned her face toward him to place a chaste kiss on her
    forehead. “I’m happy it pleases you, dove.”
    “Why do you call me that?”
    “Xenthian has been hidden for thousands of years, but it’s not
    accurate to say that no one has left the planet in that time. Before an heir
    takes the throne and assumes leadership, they’re sent on an observation
    Each of the rulers of the Five Isles, along with a small guard,
    ventured into the vastness of space to observe and document other
    worlds and their inhabitants. It made them better leaders, more
    knowledgeable about the dangers that lurked beyond their home, or so
    the elders

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