Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3)

Free Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3) by Aimee-Louise Foster

Book: Spike (Aces MC Series Book 3) by Aimee-Louise Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aimee-Louise Foster
they're still okay for me to
move in on Saturday." I placed the glass onto the table and leaned forward
slightly, "I just wanted to thank you again for letting us stay at your
apartment. You took pity on me when I needed it most and I will be forever in
your debt." I reached out and touched her arm.
Amy placed her hand over mine and smiled, "Don't be silly. I only did what
any normal human being would have done."
"That's where you're wrong Amy, normal people shy away from confrontation.
You're a strong woman, you certainly know your own mind. I only wish I could be
more like you."
"And so are you Louise. I don't know your back story but you mustered the
courage to leave your husband and get your children to safety."
My eyes dropped from her face, I couldn't bear to look at her through fear of
crying. I didn't want her pity, I was far from courageous or brave. I was weak,
I had allowed a man to rule every aspect of my life and with that had come so
much pain. I had allowed him to hurt me and my children, that was unforgiveable
and something that would take me a long time to get over, that's if I ever
    "The first batch is cooking in the oven." Maggie placed
a tray full of sandwiches on the table before she slumped into the chair beside
me, closely followed into the garden by Devon and Tommy.
"Mum, the cookies look great. Will we be able to eat them?" Devon
asked jigging up and down excitedly.
"Ask Maggie darling," I stated not wishing to presume.
"Of course you can have some Devon but they need to be left to cool down
once they've been cooked before you eat them."
Our conversation was stopped by the sound of the bell.
"That'll be James, I'll get it." Amy stated as she jumped to her feet
and tried to walk casually to the door containing her excitement at his
    James appeared at the patio door holding his black doctors
bag and smiled sweetly as he nodded in our direction, "Good afternoon
ladies, oh and gentlemen." He stated as he saw Tommy at the far end of the
table."Are you okay for me to examine him?" he asked as his eyes met
He was a stranger but he was a professional so I didn't see any harm in him looking
Tommy over. I was just grateful that he could do it straight away rather than
waiting for an appointment and this way it wouldn't be on Tommy's records.
    I followed James into Maggie's bedroom holding Tommy's hand reassuringly
as he looked nervous. I crouched in front of him, "Tommy, I need you to be
brave. James is a doctor and he wants to take a quick look at your bruises to
see if you need more medicine to make you better."
Tommy didn't say anything but his eyes spoke a thousand words. I knew that look
as I'd seen it before, he was petrified and his little body started to shake as
I held his hand firmly. I moved closer, "Tommy, it's going to be okay.
James is a doctor, he's here to help." I repeated again so he fully
understood. Placing my hands gently on his shoulders, I looked directly at him until
he nodded in agreement for James to examine him.
James joined me on the floor as he also crouched beside Tommy and held out his
hand. "Hi Tommy, I'm James. I just need to take a look at you but could
you point to where you are hurting the most."
Tommy looked at me for encouragement and I nodded indicating that he was free
to do as James had asked.
He slowly pointed to his side and James put on a pair of latex gloves before he
gently lifted Tommy's t-shirt to reveal the bruising. He pressed lightly around
the area and Tommy grimaced at the contact. "You're doing well,"
James stated as he continued to apply just enough pressure to make sure nothing
was broken. He followed the trail around his back, pressing lightly as to not
hurt Tommy further.
"It's just bruising but I say that in the loosest of terms." He
stated, clearly annoyed but trying to be professional. "Can we take your
t-shirt off so I can get a better look?"
Tommy lifted his arms so that I could remove his t-shirt and James twirled him
around to

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