The Dead Game
crashing down to one side—the side she was hanging on to. While she held on tight, she closed her eyes and prayed. The gate bashed against her, but she still managed to keep her footing. She quickly climbed back down before she got swatted like an ant against the wall.
    “This must have been the master plan all along; that we all die in this house—one by one,” she yelled at Mike and David, who were both standing in the doorway with their mouths hanging open. Mike’s response was simply to turn around and stomp away. She was disgusted by this whole business and by Mike’s total lack of sympathy. He didn’t seem to be at all concerned that she’d almost been killed. She now knew who wasn’t a real friend, and who couldn’t be relied upon in the future.
    “There has to be a way out! Let’s try the third door,” offered David, placing his arm gently around her shoulder in his weak attempt to offer her comfort and support.
    Mike cautiously opened the last door to find a huge circular chamber with metal bars built into the red brick walls. He entered the room, searching for more than bricks and bars.
    Growling sounds were emanating from within the walls. Edging closer to the bars, he was horrified to find wild lions and tigers behind these bars, pacing back and forth in their cages, their yellow eyes glowing eerily at him in the dimly lit room.
    “There must be a light somewhere in this room that is reflecting on the animals’ eyes. Let’s look for the source of this light; there must be an opening!” Mike urged Louise and David, who were standing quietly behind him.
    After a few moments of frantic searching, David excitedly called out, “The light is coming from the left side of the room! Look! Over there! There’s a door!”
    The animals’ growling noises suddenly grew louder and more vicious-sounding. Mike turned around to find the cages wide open. The animals were in the middle of the room, saliva dripping from their open mouths…slowly advancing on them…stalking their new prey.
    “Hurry up! Quickly open the door! The animals are loose and are coming straight toward us!” Mike could hear the sound of his own heart pounding loudly in his ears.
    “I can’t find the opening on my own! Help me! If we hurry, maybe we can get out of here in one piece!” David shouted at them. He was searching the bricks around the door.
    They quickly joined him in the search.
    Mike knew that they had only a few precious seconds to spare before they were eaten alive by the wild animals. He could hear them breathing heavily, right behind him. He imagined their hot, heavy breath on the back of his neck, their sharp teeth glistening brightly, preparing to dig into his soft flesh. He closed his eyes in defeat.
    “I found it!” screamed David as he pushed the lever that opened the door wide open. After they hurried through, the door slammed shut on the animals eager to rip them wide open.
    They found themselves outside by the pool.

Chapter 9
    W ith great uncertainty and trepidation, the second group climbed the marble staircase. They were faced with two hallways, both waiting for them in total darkness. Insisting that they remain together as one group, Todd chose the hallway to the right for them. Refusing to follow Todd, Gregg stood his ground, claiming that their elusive host could be anywhere—even in the darkened rooms on the left side of the house. Todd responded that for safety they must stick together; Gregg responded in turn by becoming quiet and sullen.
    Following the right hallway, they were about to approach a closed door.
    Shana shivered, secretly wishing that she was anywhere else but here. The house was much too gloomy and quiet, giving off a deserted and threatening feeling. She was afraid that her strange forebodings about this evening were going to come true.
    Todd and Linda stood at the door ready to open it when Shana suddenly spoke up. “Where did the others disappear to? Todd, I thought you had

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