Nothing but the Truth

Free Nothing but the Truth by Jarkko Sipila

Book: Nothing but the Truth by Jarkko Sipila Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jarkko Sipila
didn’t look like Korpi, so apparently the photo was part of the old woman’s estate. Strange sense of humor for Korpi to just leave the pusher’s picture there. Or maybe it just never occurred to him to
    move it.

Joutsamo looked out the window toward Suhonen’s stakeout spot. It was far enough away that she wouldn’t be able to make out anyone from here. Nice spot, she thought.
    She inspected the downstairs bathroom, but nothing in particular caught her attention. She continued up the stairs to find a couple of bedrooms and a small chamber lined with bookshelves. The bedrooms proved uninteresting and the only remarkable item in the chamber was the computer, but Joutsamo left it alone. That was for the pros.
    Hmm, thought Joutsamo. No bodies, no dope, nothing. She hadn’t expected to find much, but of course there was some disappointment in raiding what appeared to be an empty house. Perhaps Kannas’ men could turn up something.

    MONDAY, 4:00 P.M.
    Korpi sat dressed in green coveralls in a bare, windowless interrogation room. The vents hummed. A computer and recording equipment rested on a worn veneer table. There were four chairs, two of which were empty. Joutsamo was seated opposite Korpi. Mikko Kulta was standing behind Joutsamo puffing on a cigarette.
    “Shall we begin?” said Joutsamo as she pressed the record button. She recited the date and time. “Risto Korpi, you’re being held under suspicion of the murder of Tomi Salmela, which took place yesterday afternoon. This is a preliminary interview. Do you have anything you’d like to say?”
    Korpi started whistling the same Leevi and the Leavings song.
    “That was funny once. Not anymore.”
    “Still funny to me,” said Korpi, rubbing his bald head. He burst into a fit of artificial laughter, “Ha-ha-ha-haa!”
    Joutsamo waited for him to finish. “Right. Do you wish to make a statement?”
    Korpi’s face hardened. “First off I’d like to state for the record that this preliminary interview is illegal according to the criminal statutes. It’s a violation of my civil rights. Second, I want a lawyer. Third, as the homeowner, I demand to be a part of the search being conducted on my home in Kaarela at this very moment.”
    Joutsamo had initially intended to stop the recorder, but she decided to let it roll. “Alright, then. That concludes the interview. But I should note that preliminary interviews are indeed permitted under chapter 38 of the criminal statutes. Secondly, you should know that a lawyer will be provided when such can be procured. Thirdly, according to the deed on file, the house in question is not yours, but it’s owned by the estate of Marjatta Saarnikangas. The attorney in charge of the estate has been notified of the search, and has not demanded anyone be present. But let me ask once more, do you have anything to say about Tomi Salmela’s death?”
    “No. Nothing. I’m done talking.”
    “So you won’t even claim that you’re innocent?”
    “I’m done talking.”
    Joutsamo stopped the recorder and rose without a word. Outside the interrogation room she turned to the guard, “Take him to his cell. Don’t let him talk to anyone.”
    * * *
    It was nearing eight o’clock when Kannas came into Takamäki’s office. The lieutenant was slaving away at his computer.
    “Hey,” Kannas growled.
    Takamäki noticed the large plastic bag in the forensic investigator’s hand. “Well?”
    “Right. Interesting place,” said Kannas, as he stepped inside and sat down. “Where to begin…”
    “Hold on a sec.” Takamäki got up and shouted down the hallway, “Joutsamo! My office!”
    Joutsamo came in shortly.
    “OK, go ahead,” said Takamäki.
    “Well, let’s start with the car. Pretty shitty set of wheels at any rate, but preliminary evidence strongly links it to Korpi and Nyberg. Both of their fingerprints were found inside. We also found a third

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