Star Trek: The Q Continuum

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Book: Star Trek: The Q Continuum by Greg Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Greg Cox
Data and the elder Q covered their ears to keep out the deafening peals of laughter. The android hurried toward the table, evidently concerned that the boy might fall and hurt himself, but the pint-sized entity Q had christened q slipped from between Data’s arms and hurled himself upward, ricocheting off the ceiling and bouncing around the lounge like a rubber ball flung with the force of a particle accelerator. The child struck the floor only centimeters from Picard’s feet, then took off at an angle toward Leyoro and the security team. They yelped in unison and dropped to the floor only an instant before q zipped by overhead. Chairs and tables went flying in all directions as q collided with them, and Geordi and Data took cover behind the bar. A bottle shattered and the smell of Saurian brandy filled the lounge, soon joined by the clashing aromas of Gamzain wine and Trixian bubble juice. Q and Q beamed at each other as their hyperactive offspring wreaked havoc throughout the lounge. Picard saw their lips move and, even though he couldn’t hear a thing over the child’s wild laughter, felt sure they were saying something like, “Isn’t he adorable?”
    Picard knew he had lost control of the situation, nothing new where any Q was concerned. “Q!” he shouted, not caring which one heard him. “Stop this at once!”
    Q conferred with his spouse, who shrugged and nodded her head. He surveyed the chaos, smiled proudly, then clapped his hands. The silence was immediate. Picard noticed the absence of the din a second before he realized that he was no longer in the lounge.
    None of them were. Picard looked around in amazement and discovered that he, Data and Geordi, the security team, and all three Qs had been instantaneously transported to the bridge of the Enterprise. It was a close call who was the most surprised, the bridge crew or the new arrivals. Riker leaped from the captain’s chair, his eyes wide and his mouth open. “Captain!” he exclaimed.
    “At ease, Number One,” Picard assured him. He cocked his head toward the Q family, knowing that was all the explanation that was required. The baby q now rested securely within his father’s arms, while Picard found himself standing between the command area and Ops. Baeta Leyoro rushed over to the tactical console and stood guard over the weapons controls.
    Riker got it, untensing his aggressive stance only a little. A newly replicated combadge adorned his chest. “I see,” he said, glaring suspiciously at Q. “And the woman and child?”
    “Q’s wife and heir.” Riker’s jaw dropped again, and Picard shook his head to discourage any further inquiries. “Don’t ask. I’ll explain later, if I can.” He turned and confronted the omnipotent trio. “Q?” he demanded.
    Q, the usual Q, lowered his child to the floor and strolled toward Picard with a look of unapologetic assurance on his face. “I felt it was time for a change in venue,” he said, loudly enough for all to hear. Q glanced furtively at his mate, who was inspecting the aft engineering station, and whispered in Picard’s ear. “To be honest, that other place reeked too much of her.”
    “Guinan?” Picard asked aloud. He found it hard to imagine that Q could truly be honest about anything.
    “Don’t say that name!” Q hissed, but it was too late. The woman glowered at Q the second Picard mentioned the former hostess of Ten-Forward, then huffily turned her back on him. She took her son by the hand and took him on a tour of the bridge.
    “I’m going to pay for that,” Q predicted mournfully, “and so will you—someday.”
    Picard refused to waste a single brain cell worrying about Q’s domestic tranquillity. Perhaps Q had inadvertently done him a favor in returning them all to the bridge. The best thing he could do now was ignore Q’s attempts to distract him and get on with the business of running the Enterprise. He took his place in the captain’s chair and swiftly assessed the crew

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