Microsoft Word - T108JustDesserts.doc

Free Microsoft Word - T108JustDesserts.doc by Administrator

Book: Microsoft Word - T108JustDesserts.doc by Administrator Read Free Book Online
Authors: Administrator
grasped his
    length, standing at full attention now. Doing his best to focus
    on her, Sam found the spot that would drive Donna crazy
    and concentrated on doing just that, sending her into a body
    shaking orgasm.
    She shuddered in his lap and he couldn’t control a moan
    of his own. Softly panting now, she broke the kiss. “I want
    you, Sam.”
    “Oh baby, I want you more.”
    “I, um, have condoms in my purse. I need you to know
    that I don’t usually carry them around with me. Grace made
    me take them in case we…you know.”
    Sam smiled. At least this Grace seemed to be on his side.
    He would have to thank her later. “That’s fine, angel. But
    you will have to do the honors for me since I’m one-handed
    at the moment.”
    Her face softened again at the reminder that he had taken
    a bullet for her. Damn, he would have gotten shot long ago if
    he knew women reacted like this to it. On top of that, the
    thought of her soft, gentle hands rolling the rubber down
    over his cock as he did nothing but watch was really a turn-
    She nodded. “I can do that for you.” He watched with
    absolute glee as she pulled a strip of half a dozen foil
    packages out of her purse. He could definitely put a nice
    dent in her inventory the way he was feeling.
    His eyes nearly rolled back in his head as her hands
    caressed him and then slowly covered him with the
    necessary evil of the latex shroud.
    When they started dating for real, he’d get tested or
    whatever she wanted, but he would somehow get her to go
    on the pill. He wanted to feel her surrounding him without
    anything between them. He had never wanted that so badly
    with any other woman he had sex with. That, as well as the
    Trilogy No. 108: Just Desserts
    fact he already had them seriously dating long term in his
    mind, didn’t faze him as much as he thought it would.
    He could worry about that later. Right now, Donna was
    standing again and pulling off her bra and panties. His mind
    could only do so many things at once, and watching her was
    more than he could handle.
    “Damn, you are so beautiful.” He watched her with pure
    male appreciation.
    She shook her head. “No, I’m not. But thank you
    Sam shook his head right back at her. “I’m not going to
    argue with you now. Just get that sweet ass of yours over
    here so I can prove to you I’m right. You are beautiful,
    angel. Every damn inch of you.”
    She smiled and came back to him, close enough he could
    loop his good arm around her waist and pull her down to
    him. He couldn’t resist a quick nibble of one breast before he
    said. “I’m sorry I won’t be much help. You’ll have to do all
    the work.”
    In actuality, he wasn’t sorry at all. The thought of Donna
    above him, directing the action, nearly did him in before he
    even got inside her. But he thought it would be polite to
    apologize anyway.
    “I don’t mind. I like it on top.”
    And there you go; they were perfect together. That
    thought fled as Donna grabbed his erection and guided him
    into her, sliding down his length. Sam drew in a deep
    shaking breath, releasing it with her name. He never said a
    woman’s name during sex. It was just safer that way. The
    moment it left his mouth he knew he was in big trouble. Shit,
    now he’d have to introduce her to his sister and mother.
    What next, a ring? And why didn’t that seem farfetched?
    That was even more frightening.
    Cat Johnson

Chapter 9
    Bracing herself against the sofa back with one hand on either
    side of Sam to support her weight without hitting his wound,
    Donna rose above him, lowering herself again with a
    shudder. Never had a man felt so good. Sam filled her
    He said everything right, too. Okay, he was no Byron or
    Shakespeare, but this man of few words sure knew how to
    pick the ones that would do her in. She had no control
    around him. It was as if some sex maniac possessed her. The
    pizza had not even arrived before she was on top of him.

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