Rendezvous in Cannes

Free Rendezvous in Cannes by Jennifer Bohnet

Book: Rendezvous in Cannes by Jennifer Bohnet Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Bohnet
Tags: Romance
entrance hall, with its four over-head chandeliers casting their palatial glow over everything.
    An elaborately carved four foot high gold fountain, decorated with naked nymphs and grapes, was gently tinkling water into its two basins, from where it flowed over into a marble lined base where goldfish could be seen swimming under water lily leaves.
    Liveried footmen holding silver trays full of crystal flutes filled with pink champagne moved effortlessly through the crowd, dispensing the drinks. Rick took two, handed one to Anna and said, ‘Cheers.’
    ‘Cheers,’ Anna replied, looking around at the paintings and tapestries hanging on the walls under elaborate gold friezes.
    ‘I’ve been in some luxurious places,’ she said. ‘But this is amazing. Are those original Picassos and Renoirs? Who does this place belong to?’
    Rick shrugged. ‘Some Arab prince or other. The main event is in the marquee on the terrace. Shall we?’
    Anna followed him as he made his way out through open French doors leading on to the terrace and acres of landscaped gardens.
    ‘Just spotted Rosa Cruft. Come on, I’ll introduce you,’ Rick said.
    Rosa, talking animatedly to a man who had his back to them as they approached, smiled in welcome.
    ‘Hi there Ricky. Great to meet you at last, Anna. You guys know Bruno?’
    As the American made the introductions and Bruno shook her hand, Anna found herself face to face with the man she’d seen earlier in the day with Jacques Cambone.
    ‘Anna? Haven’t we’ve met before? Are you in the business?’
    Anna didn’t answer his first question, saying ‘Yes I am in the film industry. Rick and I are business partners. You?’
    ‘I’m in finance. You sure we haven’t met? Something very familiar about your face. We must get together sometime and discuss our pasts,’ Bruno said, smiling at her.
    ‘Maybe,’ Anna said lightly, before turning to face Rosa.
    ‘Rosa, I’m looking forward to our lunch next week. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to find the cloakroom. Back in a few moments,’ and Anna made her way back into the mansion.
    One of the liveried footmen pointed her in the direction of the ladies’ cloakroom. To her relief it was empty and Anna stood in front of the large gilded mirror above a marble sink with gold taps and tried to re-apply her lipstick with a shaking hand. She’d finally remembered who Bruno was.
    So why hadn’t she admitted to him that yes he did indeed know her? That he had known her when she was with Philippe. Because in those days he had been plain Brian, Philippe’s best friend, and she wasn’t sure what his reaction would be when he learnt her true identity.
    She glanced at her watch. How soon before she could decently leave? Quarter of an hour - or longer? She sighed before resolutely returning to the marquee and regarding the party scene.
    Disco music with a loud beat was filling the air and people were dancing. Anna saw Rick and Rosa Cruft in the middle of a large crowd to one side of the tent. Bruno was listening attentively to something a younger man at his side, his arm around the shoulders of a blonde girl, was saying.
    As she watched, Bruno turned his head and looked directly at her and Anna knew that he had finally recognised her. Following his gaze the other man too turned and looked across at her, before leaning and muttering something to Bruno.
    Smiling, Bruno slowly raised his arm in greeting and beckoned her to join them. In a daze, Anna acknowledged the greeting before turning away to make for the exit. To her relief a doorman was able to immediately summon her a taxi and she sank down gratefully on to its upholstered seats. She would go home and dream about Leo and her future – not dwell on the past.

Chapter Fifteen
    Anna was having a leisurely breakfast on the terrace the next morning when her mobile rang. Rick.
    ‘How are you this morning?’ he asked.
    ‘Fine. I’m sorry I ran out on you last night,’ Anna said

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