
Free Powerless by Stella Notecor

Book: Powerless by Stella Notecor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stella Notecor
    David marched out of the conference room and allowed the
door to slam shut.  To think he was being sent to retrieve coffee, as if he
were a lowly secretary.  Mark was meeting with the CEO of a small company they
hoped to acquire, and when the CEO complained he was thirsty, he sent David to
find something to drink.  Considering David set up the meeting, being kicked
out was humiliating.
    David straightened and turned towards the mess hall. He
would retrieve the coffee, but he would not be made to feel powerless.
    He’d show Mark how it felt to lose control of a situation.
    Mark sighed and slid his key into the door lock. He opened
the door and stepped inside his apartment, flicking on the lights. Oddly, the
room remained dark.
    He wiggled the switch up and down. Nothing. The bulb must
have burned out. He headed towards the dim glow of his computer on the other
side of the room. The door closed behind him, pitching the room into darkness.
    Halfway to the computer, someone grabbed Mark around the
waist and covered his mouth with one hand. The person pulled him against his
body, and Mark could tell his captor was taller and stronger than him. He
froze. The man held him closer. He was naked—his half-hard cock pressed against
Mark’s ass.
    His assailant pressed a squishy object into his hand. “That
is your safe object,” he whispered, his stubble tickling Mark’s ear. He leaned
back into his captor, recognizing the man’s voice as David’s.
    “Drop the ball, and I stop immediately.” His safe object was
a boob-shaped stress ball his brother gave him as a joke after he came out to
his family. According to his brother, every man needed a pair of boobs to relax
with. Personally, he preferred squeezing a different pair of balls when he was
    “If you understand, nod your head twice.” Mark complied. David’s
hands fell away, leaving him standing alone in the middle of the room.
    A moment later, cloth brushed against his cheek. The glow of
the computer disappeared as it covered his eyes. Before Mark could ask why David
had decided to play, a part of the mask was pulled under his chin and tightened
so he could not open his mouth.
    “Are you able to breathe?”
    Mark nodded. The mask didn’t cover his nose.
    “Good.” Hands fell to Mark’s shoulders. “Undress yourself.” David’s
voice moved away. “I’m turning on the lights.”
    The chain of the lamp by his bedroom door jangled. Mark
couldn’t tell if the lights came on or not; the mask kept him in the dark. He
strained to hear David’s movements as he struggled to take off his clothes with
only one free hand.
    Mark stripped off his jacket and shirt, dropping them to the
floor. A thumping sound came from the corner near his desk.
    He kicked off his shoes and socks. The cushions of the couch
made a strange “whumpf” as David took a seat.
    Mark unbuttoned his slacks and pushed them down to the
ground along with his underwear. He bent slowly, allowing David a prime view of
his ass from the couch. He straightened up, taking a moment to caress his
growing hardness before placing his hands at his side.
    He expected to be reprimanded for touching himself without
permission, perhaps even spanked. Instead, he heard nothing—no reprimand, no
    Just silence.
    Mark stood in place for a long time, waiting to see what
would happen next. Time stood as still as he did. Finally, growing impatient, Mark
made to turn towards the couch.
    David’s voice came from near the bedroom door—at least ten
feet to the left of the couch. “Do not move.”
    Mark froze. He clenched his safe object. David had been
sitting on the couch. Mark heard him take a seat, but he never heard him get
    What was David doing? Why was he making Mark stand still?
Thoughts flickered through his mind. The earlier sounds had come from more than
one part of the room. Had David invited someone else into the game?
    No. They never told anyone about their games, let

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