Stone Heart

Free Stone Heart by Candace Sams

Book: Stone Heart by Candace Sams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Candace Sams
enough to help him.
    When they made their way to their room, she was so tired the very act of standing was almost too much. She fumbled with the electronic key card. Angus was carrying her small travel case and an overnight bag. He didn't seem at all concerned when a passerby looked him over as if he were an oddity. Indeed, that's how he seemed in the black leather outfit he wore. One person muttered something about him probably being in one of those heavy metal rock bands. Karen vowed to find him something more suitable to wear. Common sense told her they shouldn't be drawing so much attention to themselves. After all, Angus didn't have any I.D., and the police might want to find out who he was. Especially since he looked like he didn't belong.
    When she pushed the door to her room open, Angus tossed her bags on a nearby chair, picked her up and placed her gently upon the bed. She was so tired the energy to object to his actions wouldn't come.
    "Sleep sound, Karen. I will be verra' near."
    Karen smiled up at him then fell into the deep sleep someone who is desperately ill needs. It didn't occur to her to be afraid or send Angus to the adjoining bed. By now, she realized he probably wouldn't leave her alone, even if she insisted.
    Angus took off Karen's shoes, covered her with a blanket from the closet, and began to inspect every item in the room.
    The air was much warmer than that which was outside.
    Perhaps there was a heater in the room. The same kind as 69
    Stone Heart
    by Candace Sams
    Karen used in the machine called car. What a strange world he had awakened into. There was a box in the room which was black and had a grayish curved glass in the front. He looked at the thing and noticed a small elongated device sitting upon its top. He picked this up and poked at several buttons. The box in front of him seemed to come alive. There was a man within it who was speaking right at him. Angus dropped the small object he had been holding and backed away. He looked at the bed but Karen did not awaken. His heart quickened. "What sorcery can this possibly be?" he whispered.
    After several moments of watching and slapping at the black box, he determined that the man inside was not a small version of the Elf Clan. He wasn't really there at all. He stopped and listened. The man in the box spoke of the weather and pointed at various spots on a map of the British Isles.
    "This is more magic than I shall ever have," he murmured as he sat in a nearby chair and leaned forward.
    After some time, Angus picked up the elongated object he had dropped and pushed at the buttons again. The smaller object seemed to control the larger box and its images. Angus glanced at the bed again to make sure the noise was not disturbing Karen's rest. He pulled the chair closer and proceeded to make an attempt to master this strange new beastie. There was no going back in time. This was his time now, and he must learn all he could.

    * * * *
    Stone Heart
    by Candace Sams
    Karen woke slowly and heard a child's voice. She pushed herself up and turned toward the sound. It was all she could do to keep from laughing out loud. Angus was leaning forward in a chair, his attention trained upon the TV. He was nodding in agreement with the youngster in a commercial. Long dark hair made a curtain which partially hid his face.
    "Aye, I think I should try this thing called a hamburger ,"
    he murmured and nodded at the television. "'Twould no' be wise to add so many onions, though."
    "Having fun?" Karen smiled, trying her best not to laugh at him.
    Angus quickly turned his head and grinned. There was no sign of embarrassment on his face. Just the expression of a man experiencing the sheer joy in being alive. He slowly rose, stretched his massive frame and walked toward her.
    "This machine is verra' informative," he said as he pointed at the television.
    "How did you learn to turn it on?"
    "'Twas by mistake." He shrugged and smiled again. "Could you tell me how it

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