Shady: MC Romance
would never let anything happen to Harmony. You know that.”
    “No, stop tricking me. I know it’s you. I know what you want, and what you will do to her. I SAW YOU!!” Shady cried, and the men frowned. They shook their heads at each other, not sure what she is talking about.
    “Shay, baby, you need to hear me,” Slider said and Shady hissed at him.
    “DO NOT CALL ME THAT! YOU DO NOT KNOW ME! Shady is strong, Francesca is weak,” she screeched.
    “Shit,” Creed whispered. “We need the fucking lights turned on. We need to get her to wake up completely.”
    “Sweetie,” Harmony called from behind all of them softly. “Shay sweetie, I am here, I am safe.”
    Shady frowned and moved her head trying to see over the tall men but, she couldn’t. “Let her go. Let her the fuck go now,” she growled to the men in front of her.
    “Harm, get your ass back upstairs,” Creed snapped.
    “Harmony, do not go back upstairs,” Shady yelled loudly and then narrowed her eyes, “you can’t, they will hurt you. I know—I SAW!”
    “Shady,” Creed said softly. “I would never hurt Harmony, you know that. Fork and I love her. You have seen us with her, you know we wouldn’t do anything but protect her, that is why she is going back up to our room.”
    “Christ,” Harmony said and walked through the men. They didn’t move to grab her because Shady was staring intently at her friend as she came to her. “Shady, honey, you are scaring the guys. Put the gun down now,” she said softly as she reached her friend.
    “No,” Shady growled and tried to push Harmony behind her.
    “Shady,” Harmony said sharply and made her friend look at her. “Look at me.” Shady looked at her and then kinda backed up a little. “Gimme the gun,” Harmony said firmly.
    Shady blinked a few times and then shook her head, “No, I can’t. I need it for protection.”
    “The guys have this, babe,” Harmony said softly. “They will not let anything happen to you or me.”
    “Someone is here.” Shady frowned. “I heard them. They want to hurt you, they will do the same thing to you they did to the other girls. I saw them, Harm. I. Saw. Them. I can’t let it happen to you.”
    “Baby, you heard us, we were moving our shit in,” Cajun said gruffly.
    Shady frowned and looked at the guys standing in the hallway and she seemed to be looking more focused than before. She appeared to struggle with something before she lowered her gun to her side. With a deep breath, she turned to Harmony. “What the fuck is wrong with me?”
    Harmony gathered her friend in her arms and whispered into her ear quietly, “We will find out, sweetie.”
    “I could have killed someone. I swear I could have pulled the trigger,” Shady whispered back.
    “It's okay, we will deal with this shit,” Harmony said and then led her back to her room and said over her shoulder, “Guys, get this light fucking working.”
    They waited until she was in the room before looking at each other. Creed and Fork ran their hands down their faces, relieved that nothing bad had happened. But Cajun and Slider were staring at each other intently.
    “She has PTSD,” Cajun said quietly with a haunted voice. “I used to wake up the same way. If I was startled, I would not react well. She needs to talk to someone.”
    “You know that and I know that. Shady will not agree with it. She doesn’t talk about shit. She buries it,” Creed said.
    “Yeah, well, not this time,” Slider replied. “This time, I am gonna drag it outta her if I have to fuckin' be in her grill constantly. Not gonna let her go down that road, man, it sucks.”
    “She has been down that road. I just don’t think we noticed it. I mean all these years and there were times even I wondered a few things. We just didn’t dig deep enough,” Fork said warily.
    “Well, we got this shit now,” Cajun said. “Lost too many of us to this shit, it eats you inside until you go nuts. Hell, I almost lost that battle,

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