Determined (Determined Trilogy Book 1)

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Book: Determined (Determined Trilogy Book 1) by Elizabeth Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Brown
to angle his approach. I felt the head find its way, and he looked down at me, as if to ask permission.
    “You are so beautiful, Samantha.”
    I reached up to kiss him. I had never wanted something more than I did right now. I needed to feel all of him. I was craving it.
    He saved me and slid all the way inside. It felt so good, so full. His size pushed me to my limits, but I loved it. I wrapped my legs around him and pulled him in further.
    “God, you are so tight,” he said, clearly approving as he started moving his hips back and forth. He pulled me with him, and then against him, varying the sensation.
    “Fuck, you feel so good,” he panted, his voice thick with desire. I was lost again, surfing the waves of carnal delight, building and building with each passing moment. I could feel his decadent length growing even larger. It was rubbing something inside of me that made me tingle down through my toes. It filled me past my breaking point.
    “I’m going to come,” I whispered, and a moment later my hips twitched to attention and my sex convulsed with pleasure. He was brought him to the brink of orgasm, and I felt hot liquid shoot inside me. We exploded together, our voices crying out, guttural with pleasure. We held in the same position for a moment, quivering in the afterglow, and then collapsed onto the bed together, in each other’s arms.
    We laid still for a few minutes, neither one of us wanting to be the first to disturb the quiet. Our breathing slowly returned to normal, and eventually I finally decided to break the silence.
    “That was really nice,” I said, without looking at him. He propped himself up on one elbow and looked over me, surveying my breasts and navel.
    “Indeed,” he agreed quietly.
    “I’m going to use the bathroom,” I tried to say in a dainty, girlish way, but the attempt was thwarted by my husky post-orgasm voice. I slipped off my heels, impressed that they had stayed on this whole time.
    “Of course. There is a robe in there, if you would like. Not that I’d prefer you use it,” he quipped, his tone mischievousness.
    I flashed him a flirty smile and an eye roll as I snatched my discarded panties from the floor. I closed the bathroom door and walked toward the sink. The cool marble tile felt amazing beneath my feet. I didn’t need to use the bathroom, but I did want to take a few moments to collect myself. I looked in the mirror, and I couldn’t help but break into a smile. Who was this staring back at me? My hair was a mess, the neat bun now hopelessly askew, tendrils falling everywhere. My cheeks had a healthy flush going, but my mascara was smudged, and I smelled like sex. I took the pins out of my bun and let the brunette locks fall down around my shoulders in waves. In lieu of actual clothing, they provided some temporary modesty. I washed my hands but decided against taking a shower. I liked smelling like him. I took a tissue and wet it with the faucet and ran it under my eyes. Better. I glanced around me and spied a closet on the far side of the bathroom. Opening it, I found a set of white terry cloth robes. I took one and shrugged it on, fastening the belt tightly.
    When I returned to the bedroom, David was upright in bed, dressed in his own matching white terry cloth robe, checking his phone. He put the phone on the nightstand and turned toward me.
    “Is one of your companies in the robe business?” I joked, climbing into the huge bed.
    “My companies? You’ve been doing your homework, Ms. Sharp.”
    “Just a little internet research”
    “I see.” Was he egging me on?
    “I wanted to make sure you weren’t a psychopath,” I explained, sweetly.
    “And what else did you find out, Ms. Sharp?” he looked at me with lightness in his eyes. I think he was amused.
    “Just that you run a very successful venture capital company, and that you have a reputation as quite the ladies’ man ...” I trailed off, indicating that perhaps he could address the rumors. He

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