All's Fair in Love and Seduction

Free All's Fair in Love and Seduction by Beverley Kendall

Book: All's Fair in Love and Seduction by Beverley Kendall Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverley Kendall
Tags: Historical Romance
assurance that once we’ve established that we suit, um, in that way, we will immediately announce our betrothal and set a wedding date.”
    Elizabeth took great satisfaction in watching Lord Creswell’s entire form stiffen and his hand still in mid-air. Slowly, he angled his head over his shoulder to regard her, incredulity flashed briefly in their blue-green depths. “You are in agreement?”
    Feigning the stalwartness of that of a virgin about to be sacrificed for the good of God and country, Elizabeth gave a tremulous but firm nod.
    “And if we do not suit, what then?”
    Did his voice sound a mite strained?
    “I have a feeling we shall suit very well.” She gave him a bright smile. “Shall we proceed, my lord?”

Chapter Eight
    For an instant, he looked panicked; an expression that probably did not sit comfortably on his face. He then drew a breath, turned and pushed open the door. Elizabeth followed, certain that in any moment, he would surrender as gracefully as a gentleman defeated should.
    Given the supposed lack of servants, a lamp on the bedside table was surprisingly lit, lighting the luxuriously furnished room. It contained a large four-poster bed, a wardrobe, a marble-topped vanity and a chest of drawers and smelled freshly cleaned.
    Elizabeth proceeded him into the bedchamber remained by the door observing her, studying her with the quiet concentration of a chess player evaluating the board and determining his next move.
    He didn’t think she would go through with it. Elizabeth could tell that by the faintly cunning look in his eyes.
    And perhaps she would not had she known in that very moment, he wouldn’t allow it to go that far.
    The viscount didn’t intend to make love to her, of this she was certain. They were locked in a game of who would blink first.
    Abruptly, he closed the door and Elizabeth turned toward the bed, unwilling to watch his approach, terrified she’d lose her nerve. But she could sense when he stood behind her, still for a moment as if just breathing her in. He smelled of musk and soap and him.
    She started when his hands came up and his fingers brushed her nape. It took her a moment to realize he was removing her necklace. His touch was warm and light and her senses went wild.
    “I want you naked with not a thing between us.”
    The warmth of his breath feathered her ear. Her nipples peaked as if he’d laid the flat of his tongue on them. Her center grew moist just thinking about him putting his hands on her, parting her, rubbing her.
    This had to stop.
    “Beautiful.” His praise came out on a breath.
    “The necklace?” she asked, intending to tease but her voice cracked too much to carry off such levity.
    “That too.”
    If she turned her head, he would kiss her. She could hear it in the cadence of his breathing and the way he now crowded her, so close his waistcoat brushed intimately against her satin clad back. And how she wanted him to kiss her. But of course she could not. She couldn’t allow this to go further.
    “Turn around.”
    Elizabeth gave an involuntary shiver. It wasn’t a request. It was a graveled order, velvet over melted steel.
    Like a marionette controlled by the master manipulator, she turned slowly unable to stop herself. She’d thought of naught else since they’d last kissed. Anticipation thrummed through her as she waited, forcing her hands to remain at her side. Just one kiss. It wouldn’t go beyond a kiss.
    Derek lowered his head, his mouth drawing ever closer to hers. “I want you,” he said in a voice fashioned to make a woman instantly wet between her thighs. He fitted his mouth to hers.
    Elizabeth automatically reached for the muscled hardness of his shoulders. The feel of him, the taste of his lips sent her already racing heart into a frantic gallop. Her lips opened wider to permit and welcome his searching tongue.
    The touch of his tongue against hers had her moaning. He emitted a sound between a laugh and a groan, then his

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