No Turning Back (Man-Maid)

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Book: No Turning Back (Man-Maid) by Anne Rainey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Rainey
like her, don’t you?”
    “To be honest, I don’t know what I feel,” he said, uncomfortable with the whole conversation. “All I know is I can’t stop thinking about her. She’s the most stubborn woman I’ve ever met, and yet I can’t wait to see her again. Makes no sense.”
    Jason whistled low. “Man, you’re falling for her.”
    Jensen got to his feet and tucked his phone back in his pocket. “Whatever. This little heart-to-heart has been real touching, but I’d rather go look at that rental property.”
    Jason let out a breath. “’Bout time you pulled your head out of your ass.”
    “Come on,” Jensen said, heading for the door. “Let’s go check out those offices.”
    Jason grabbed his keys off an end table. “I told the three musketeers we’d meet at Pete’s later.”
    “Sounds good to me.”
    After visiting both properties, Jensen and his brother sat in Pete’s Pizzeria with Ames and Seth. They were still waiting on AJ to show up.
    “AJ’s on her way.” Seth checked the door for the hundredth time. “She got stuck in line at the bank.”
    “Anyone want a refill on their drinks?” their perky brunette waitress asked as she approached the table.
    Jason was the first to speak up. “I’ll take another beer.” He held up his glass and looked at the waitress’s name tag. “Emma,” he murmured. “A pretty name for a pretty lady.”
    Oh Lord, was he flirting with her? When she all but ignored Jason, Jensen had to bite back a laugh.
    “Did someone mention beer?” a female voice asked. “I’d love a Corona.”
    Jensen noticed AJ striding toward them and watched as Ames stood to hold AJ’s seat for her. Once again, AJ seemed totally oblivious to the underlying currents arcing back and forth between Seth and Ames whenever AJ was near the two of them.
    “Two beers coming right up,” the waitress said as she hurried off.
    “Sorry I’m late, guys,” AJ said as she put her purse on the floor beside her. “I would’ve gone to the bank after our meeting if I’d realized how bloody long it would take to make a deposit.”
    Seth wrapped an arm around the back of the chair. “You’re worth the wait, sweetness.”
    As the waitress brought them their beers, then left, Jensen noticed Jason’s gaze unerringly went to the woman’s ass. Jensen punched his brother on the arm. “Dude,” he grumbled.
    Jason rubbed his arm and glared over at him. “Ow, what was that for?”
    “You’re all but drooling. Christ.”
    He shrugged and said, “So what? She’s hot,” as he searched the restaurant for her.
    “Now who can’t focus?”
    An hour later, they’d not only chosen an office but a marketing plan as well. He was glad of the progress, but part of him could think only of Marquetta. By the time Jensen got home, his nerves were shot and his libido was in overdrive. He noticed the time on the microwave above the stove. In fifteen minutes, she’d be knocking on the door. If there was a God, Jensen would be feasting shortly after. It was still too early to tell whether he’d be feasting on the spaghetti and meatballs he’d made or on Marquetta’s delectable body.
    Right on time, Marquetta stood at Jensen’s apartment door, shaking with nerves. Taking a deep breath, she knocked, then waited. God, she was strung as tight as strings on a guitar. “Get hold of yourself,” she muttered. An attack of nerves had bombarded her in the car on the way over. She hadn’t even recognized the feeling at first, but now here she was, about to have her second date in two years, and her throat threatened to close up.
    Last Friday night, she’d let herself go, and it had been wonderful. Jensen had verbally loved her so thoroughly that she still felt the vibrations of it. Would he be a good, attentive lover in person as well? He’d woven a kind of magic between them, and she feared she was becoming entirely too addicted to him. Marquetta was way out of her depth.
    Honesty forced her to admit

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