Heart's Lair

Free Heart's Lair by Kathleen Morgan

Book: Heart's Lair by Kathleen Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Morgan
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
"If your head goes below the water, don't struggle. Hold your breath. I'll bring you back to the surface soon enough. Do you understand?"
    She managed a tremulous smile. "Yes."
    The surging waters closed around them. Liane momentarily pulled back, then forced herself to relax. Karic's hand slipped across her upper chest to support her head. He began to doggedly fight his way across the wild expanse of river.
    Over the water's roar Liane faintly heard the bay of the search canus. She wondered if they'd make it across before the trackers found them. Blaster guns could easily reach them in the river.
    For a time Karic made steady, if slow, progress. Gradually, however, his strength began to wane. Liane could hear the rasp of his shortened breath and feel the powerful muscles begin to strain. Her heart went out to him, but there was nothing she could do but lie as still as possible and trust him.
    Water sloshed over her in great waves, choking her in spite of her best efforts not to swallow it. Panic spiraled through her. She raised her hands to shield her face, but it did no good. She thought she'd drown, even before the river dragged them down.
    The force of the rapids slammed them into a boulder. Only the agile movement of Karic, twisting between her and the huge rock, saved Liane from a brutal bruising. She wondered what the impact had done to Karic's weakening body.
    For a few moments he clung there, one arm gripping the slippery rock, the other clasped about her waist. His head lowered to rest against the boulder, his breath coming in gasps, his body trembling with exhaustion. She silently watched him. Finally, he glanced up, inhaled a deep breath and headed back out into the river's current.
    Waves engulfed them, and they were forced beneath the water. It took all the courage Liane possessed to not flail her way back to the surface, but she dared not drain Karic's strength by forcing him to fight her. She did as he'd asked; she held her breath and trusted. And he always brought her back to the surface.
    They slipped downstream, the surging power of the river relentlessly beating at Karic, hampering a straight crossing. Though the added distance cruelly debilitated him, he struggled on, his strokes becoming weaker. Soon, it was all Karic could do to keep their heads above water. "I can't make it across," he finally gasped. "We'll have to chance the falls!"
    His decision came none too soon. From the far bank the sound of voices, joined by the excited wails of the search canus, reached their ears. The trackers had found them. As Karic let the churning waters drag them downstream, blaster guns were aimed and fired.
    One shot narrowly missed Liane before they were safely out of range. The relief was only temporary. The roar of the falls rose to deafening intensity. In only a few moments more, they'd be going over them.
    Though she knew she might die in the process, strangely enough she felt no fear. She was with Karic. He'd do all in his power to save them. There was nothing more anyone could do.
    Before them the river suddenly ended. Liane briefly caught the sight of blue, cloud-strewn sky. Then they hurtled over into empty space. She clawed at Karic, attempting to cling to him, but he shoved her away. A sudden realization that his move was wise struck her. Separated, they stood a better chance of surviving.
    Liane saw the advancing water. It looked hard, lethal. At the last moment she clamped her eyes shut and prayed the end would be merciful.
    She hit with a force that squeezed the air out of her lungs, plunging her nearly to the bottom of the deep lake. For an instant Liane was stunned, then the instinct for survival flared, hot and strong. She struggled, fighting her way to the top, only vaguely aware her upward progress was being aided by the rope attached to her waist.
    She broke the surface with an agonizing gasp, gulping in a blessed breath of air. Beside her, treading water, was Karic. He threw back his head and

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