Tango One
twenty-seven. They've got a house in Kensington, but Donovan spends most of his time in the Caribbean.”
    “Are they separated?” asked Warren.
    “No, it's just easier for him to operate out there. He was under round-the-clock surveillance here Customs, police, the taxman. Couldn't take a leak without someone recording the fact. His kid's settled in school and his wife likes shopping, so they've resisted moving out there. Donovan's over here every month or so and they spend all their holidays in the sun, so it seems to be working out okay.”
    “Is he still under the microscope?”
    “Sure, but it's more to keep the pressure on him than it is to catch him in the act.”
    Warren wrinkled his nose.
    “Why do you think I'm going to do any better than the teams who've already been targeting him?”
    “Because you won't be watching him, Cliff. You'll be working for him, ideally.”
    “And just how do I get to him?”
    “You start dealing.” Hathaway nodded at the window.
    “Most of the crack cocaine sold in the streets out there can be traced to Donovan if you go back for enough.”
    “If you know that, why don't you arrest him?”
    “Knowing and proving are two very different things, Cliff.”
    “So the idea is for me to work my way up the supply chain until I get to Donovan?”
    “That's the plan.”
    “That's not a plan,” said Warren.
    “That's a wish. A hope. It's what you do when you get the biggest piece of turkey wishbone, that's what that is.”
    Hathaway leaned forward.
    “It's what'll happen in an ideal world. But even if you don't get close to Donovan, you'll still be supplying us with useful intelligence. Whatever you do, wherever you end up, you keep your eyes and ears open for news about this man. Tango One.”
    Tina Leigh ran both hands through her hair, brushing the strands behind her ears.
    “I'm not a criminal. Why's Donovan going to be interested in me?”
    Hathaway looked away, awkwardly.
    “I'm his type, is that it?”
    “You're a very sexy girl, Tina.”
    Tina glared at him, “Go screw yourself ”Give me a chance to explain, Tina. Please."
    “You don't need to explain. I used to be a hooker, so now I'll just lie back and spread my legs for a gangster. Well, fuck you, Hathaway. I worked my balls off to put that behind me. I ain't going back for you or anyone.”
    She stood up and Hathaway put his hands up in front of his face as if he feared she might attack him.
    “That's not what I said. And that's not what I meant.”
    “I know exactly what you meant. I can't join the Met because I worked the streets, but I'm being given official approval to sleep with a gangster. How fucking hypocritical is that?”
    “I didn't say you had to sleep with him, Tina.” He waved at her chair.
    “Please sit down and hear me out.”
    Tina raised her right hand to her mouth and bit down on the knuckle of her first finger, hard enough to feel the bone beneath the skin. She wanted to throw Hathaway out of her flat, she wanted to yell and scream and call him every name under the sun, but she brought her anger under control.
    “Okay,” she said. She sat down and crossed her legs, lit a cigarette, the third since Hathaway had arrived, and waited for him to continue.
    “Donovan's out of the country most of the time, but he comes back regularly on flying visits. When he does come back, we know of several clubs that he frequents. We'd like you to apply for a job, whatever job you think you'd be suitable for. Once you're employed, we'd want you to keep your ears open. You pass on anything you hear. And if you can get near Donovan, that'll be the icing on the cake.”
    “These clubs? What sort of clubs are they?”
    Hathaway pulled a pained face again.
    “They're sort of executive entertainment bars .. .” He tailed off as Tina's face hardened.
    “Lap-dancing clubs?” she hissed.
    “You want me to be a fucking lap-dancer?”
    “Lap-dancing isn't prostitution,” said Hathaway.
    “Students do it to

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