A Bond of Three

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Book: A Bond of Three by KC Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Wells
    “Was sheer bluff,” his father interrupted. “When she went to your room and found you were not there, she demanded I search the palace.” Sorran opened his eyes wide. King Beron shook his head. “You can imagine how that was received. Once it had been discovered that Prince Tanish was also missing, we assumed you were together.” He sighed. “It was not the way I wanted this visit to begin.”
    Tanish’s words from the previous day came back to Sorran. “Father, why are we here?”
    King Beron regarded him thoughtfully. “Why do you ask?” He stiffened. “Did… did you dream last night, Sorran?”
    Sorran shook his head. “I merely ask because of something Prince Tanish said. He was talking about the kingdom of Kandor. To be truthful, I did not understand, but for some reason his words will not leave me.” He watched the deep blue light surrounding his father morph into a dark brown.
    Sorran did not know what to think. When he had realized who Tanish was, he had assumed that was why they had come to Teruna. Some strange power had finally brought him face-to-face with his destiny. The time spent with Tanish had only made him more certain that they were meant to be together. But it seemed now there was more to this than his senses were telling him. Something troubled his father.
    King Beron sighed. “Perhaps it is time I stopped treating you like a child.” He gazed at his clasped hands in his lap. “I should have done so long ago when you first began to share your dreams, but I wanted you to remain innocent of state affairs for as long as possible.”
    Sorran straightened in his chair. “I am a man, father.”
    The king nodded. “I know that, my son. So now I will share with you. I am here to forge an alliance with the kingdom of Teruna. There have been rumblings all over the land that Kandor’s new king seeks to overthrow Teruna. If Teruna falls, Vancor would be next. If we combine our strengths, we would be a force to be reckoned with, which might make Kandor’s king think again.” He gazed at Sorran. “This is why we panicked when you were not to be found. For all we know, Kandoran spies may be among us, looking for ways to prevent this alliance. If we are aware of how great a force our two kingdoms could become, you may be sure someone in Kandor has already arrived at the same conclusion.”
    Cold spread throughout Sorran’s body. “You think they might attempt to seize me or Tanish? For what reason?”
    His father shrugged. “I think they might look for any way to distract us from our purpose.” He let out another sigh. “These talks are of vital importance. We are to discuss how we can unite our two kingdoms, to forge strong links that will mean Vancorans would fight side by side with Terunans, as brothers in arms.”
    Sorran nodded. “I understand, father.”
    King Beron smiled. “I am glad I shared with you. After all, this is of significance to you too. What we decide during these next few days will have consequences for your future.”
    Sorran caught his breath as the birthmark on his chest began to burn once more. His hands tingled, the sensation spreading over his body. Something was tugging at his consciousness.
    He heard the note of concern but was unable to speak. His throat seized. Sorran gripped the arms of his chair as his vision clouded over and an image rose in his mind. He struggled to understand what he was seeing. His whole body was rigid, his breathing shallow. Never before had a vision affected him so strongly, and fighting it was wearing him out. Sorran slumped into his chair and let the vision take him where it would.
    The result was almost instantaneous. Warmth spread outward from his core, filling every part of him. His spirit soared as lightness permeated his being. He was dimly aware of his father holding him with gentle hands. Sorran breathed deeply as the sensation passed and the vision faded, allowing his sight to return. He found

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