A Bond of Three

Free A Bond of Three by KC Wells

Book: A Bond of Three by KC Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: KC Wells
cliff base. Tanish climbed down off Nerita and patted her flanks. “Good girl,” he murmured. She let out a soft whinny and tossed her mane. Tanish walked across the pebbles to where Sorran stood gazing out to sea.
    He turned to regard Tanish with bright eyes. “Will you join me?” Sorran removed his cashor and placed it, folded, on the pebbles.
    Tanish chuckled. “The water could be icy cold, for all you know.”
    Sorran let out a gleeful giggle as he unfastened the tie around his waist and slid the long white robe from his body. “All the better! It will make my blood sing!” He slipped off his sandals and stood there in all his naked beauty.
    Tanish caught his breath at the sight he beheld. Sorran’s body was smooth, but there were strange markings here and there, etched into his skin. Tanish’s gaze followed the flowing line of his back as it curved into his buttocks, his cheeks full and round. When Sorran turned to face him, Tanish let his gaze drift lower over the taut belly, down to the slim cock that hung flaccid against his thigh. Sorran’s arms and legs were toned, the prince clearly no stranger to exercise.
    And Tanish’s body reacted.
    Since the first time he had walked into the Seruanal at the age of sixteen, Tanish had only desired one man. He looked with indifference at the young men of the city, the guards with whom he trained. Feyar was all he craved, all he needed. It pleased him that it was so, as if it were proof that he and Feyar were meant to be everything to each other. He knew Feyar was his, body and soul, and no other man or woman enjoyed his body. Feyar would not have it otherwise. And yet here was Tanish, cock already half-hard at the sight of Sorran, who stood before him, beautiful, free from guile and inhibitions, innocence shining out of him.
    Guilt flooded through him. I have betrayed Feyar with such thoughts.
    He felt relief as Sorran grinned and then plunged into the surf, squealing when the waves rolled over him, hiding his body from Tanish’s view. Tanish hesitated.
    “Will you not join me?” Sorran called out, up to his waist in water. He dove beneath the surface, the water creating a swirl around his buttocks as he disappeared below the waves.
    Tanish sighed and removed his cashor , robe, and sandals, laying them on the beach before walking into the water and diving below the surface. That first hit of water made him cry out with its coldness, but soon his body adjusted. He swam out to join Sorran with strong, clean strokes, relieved to feel his erection wilt.
    Sorran turned on his back and sculled with his hands, face turned toward the sun. “This is heaven.”
    Tanish watched the waves lap gently over Sorran’s body, the water swirling over those markings which seemed both strange and familiar at the same time. Sunlight played over Sorran’s olive skin, his short black hair clinging to his head.
    Heaven indeed.
    They swam together with long, lazy strokes, the sun warm on their backs. Tanish loved the sighs and low sounds of pleasure that fell unrestrained from Sorran’s lips. He pushed aside his earlier feelings and concentrated on enjoying the swim. When the sun disappeared briefly behind a cloud, the temperature of the air dipped and Tanish shivered.
    “Perhaps we should think of heading back to the palace,” he said with genuine reluctance. “It will soon be time to ready ourselves for the ball.”
    Sorran sighed. “You are right, of course. This afternoon has been wonderful. Rarely have I felt so free to be myself.” He treaded water, the waves curling around his shoulders.
    His words echoed Tanish’s thoughts. In that moment Tanish wanted to prolong their time together. “We can sit on our robes and let the sun dry us,” he suggested.
    Sorran’s delighted smile was answer enough.
    They struck out for the shore, and when they could stand, they waded through the surf, both shivering as the air hit their cooled bodies. Sorran sprinted through the lacy waves

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