The Sins of the Fathers

Free The Sins of the Fathers by Lawrence Block

Book: The Sins of the Fathers by Lawrence Block Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lawrence Block
Tags: antique
known her previously?"
    "Oh, I thought you realized. I knew her at college. I didn't know her well, we were never close, see, but it was a small college and everybody more or less knew everybody, and I ran into her on the street and we got to talking."
    "You knew her at college."
    "Yeah, I thought you realized. You seem to know so many facts about me, I'm surprised you didn't know that."
    "I'd like to come out and talk with you, Mrs. Thal."
    "Oh, I don't think so."
    "I realize it's an imposition on your time, but-"
    "I just don't want to get involved," she said. "Can't you understand that?
    Jesus Christ, Wendy's dead, right? So what can it help her? Right?"
    "Mrs. Thal-"
    "I'm hanging up now," she said. And did.
    I bought a newspaper, went to a lunch counter and had a cup of coffee. I gave her a full half hour to wonder whether or not I was all that easy to get rid of.
    Then I dialed her number again.
    Something I learned long ago. It is not necessary to know what a person is afraid of. It is enough to know the person is afraid.
    She answered in the middle of the second ring. She held the phone to her ear for a moment without saying anything. Then she said, "Hello?"
    "This is Scudder."
    "Listen, I don't-"
    "Shut up a minute, you foolish bitch. I intend to talk to you. I'll either talk to you in front of your husband or I'll talk to you alone."
    "Now you just think about it. I can pick up a car and be in Mamaroneck in an hour. An hour after that I'll be back in my car and out of your life. That's the easy way. If you want it the hard way I can oblige you but I don't see that it makes much sense for either of us."
    "Oh, God."
    I let her think about it. The hook was set now, and there was no way she was going to shake it loose.
    She said, "Today's impossible. Some friends are coming over for coffee, they'll be here any minute."
    "No. Gerry'll be home. Tomorrow?"
    "Morning or afternoon?"
    "I have a doctor's appointment at ten. I'm free after that."
    "I'll be at your place at noon."
    "No. Wait a minute. I don't want you coming to the house."
    "Pick a place and I'll meet you."
    "Just give me a minute. Christ. I don't even know this area, we just moved here a few months ago. Let me think. There's a restaurant and cocktail lounge on Schuyler Boulevard. It's called the Carioca. I could stop there for lunch after I get out of the doctor's."
    "All right. I don't know the address."
    "I'll find it. The Carioca on Schuyler Boulevard."
    "Yes. I don't remember your name."
    "Scudder. Matthew Scudder."
    "How will I recognize you?"
    I thought, I'll be the man who looks out of place. I said, "I'll be drinking coffee at the bar."
    "All right. I guess we'll find each other."
    "I'm sure we will."
    MY illegal entry the night before had yielded little hard data beyond Marcia Maisel's name. The search of the premises had been complicated by my not knowing precisely what I was searching for. When you toss a place, it helps if you have something specific in mind. It also helps if you don't care whether or not you leave traces of your visit. You can search a few shelves of books far more efficiently, for example, if you feel free to flip through them and then toss them in a heap on the rug. A twenty-minute job stretches out over a couple of hours when you have to put each volume neatly back in place.
    There were few enough books in Wendy's apartment, and I hadn't bothered with them, anyway. I wasn't looking for something which had been deliberately concealed. I didn't know what I was looking for, and now, after the fact, I wasn't at all sure what I had found.
    I had spent most of my hour wandering through those rooms, sitting on chairs, leaning against walls, trying to rub up against the essence of the two people who had lived here. I looked at the bed Wendy had died on, a double box spring and mattress on a Hollywood frame. They had not yet stripped off the blood-soaked sheets, though there would be little point in doing

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