
Free Besieged by Rowena Cory Daniells

Book: Besieged by Rowena Cory Daniells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rowena Cory Daniells
over her,’ Aranxto said. ‘Then I heard you were also leaving–’
    ‘Aranxto.’ If Oskane told the truth, his cousin’s sons would get themselves killed, and that wouldn’t help Sorna or their family. At least the boys had some spine, unlike their father. ‘I’m afraid you two must prepare yourself for the worst. Sorna’s dead. I said the words commending her soul to the Mother.’
    Aranxto’s mouth fell open and he took a step back, shaking his head. The younger one turned to Oskane, frowning intently.
    ‘Take your brother and go home with your father for now,’ Oskane told Aranxto.
    ‘Go home while you still can. Nitzel’s family is rising, and he will seek to destroy ours. Don’t play into his hands. We must bide our time. If we move too soon, we lose everything. Do you understand?’
    He looked like he might argue, but the younger took his arm, whispering to him.
    ‘Listen to Matxin,’ Oskane said. He performed the sign of the Seven, and Aranxto yielded to his authority, backing away.
    ‘But how will we contact you?’ Matxin asked.
    ‘I will contact you,’ Oskane told them. He nudged Franto, who urged the horses on.
    Another moment and they were through.
    ‘Leaving it late to start a journey?’ one of the gate guards said as they trundled into the moonlight. Before them stretched the road, a pale ribbon between winter-bare fields.
    ‘Better late than never,’ Franto said.

    Chapter Seven
    V ITTORYXE WAS TIRED from the strain of the ceremony on the bridge and a long day in the saddle, but she drove herself on. If Egrayne could walk the camp perimeter before turning in, then so could she. A single Malaunje warrior was on watch by the ford, hidden in the shadow of a tree.
    ‘Good spot,’ he said. ‘Water and shelter from the wind.’
    ‘We were lucky to find it free of Mieren.’ Luck had nothing to do with it. She’d scouted ahead, taking the lead from Egrayne again. The gift-warrior’s reaction intrigued her. She couldn’t tell if Egrayne resented being bettered or was amused by their rivalry. The sooner they were lovers and she’d won Egrayne’s trust, the better.
    Lovers let down their guards. Lovers said things... She would find something to hold over the gift-warrior and ensure her silence.
    Vittoryxe left the Malaunje and turned uphill. Travelling always unsettled her. It was impossible to keep the proper distance between T’En and Malaunje.
    Behind her, the water chattered happily over the shallow ford. Ahead of her, protected from the wind by the deep stream banks, the trees still retained most of their leaves. It was dark beneath the canopy, except where the silvery light of the near-full moons speared through.
    Enough leaves had fallen for her boots to stir them as she climbed, making a quiet approach impossible. Good. No one would be able to creep up on them. Vittoryxe reached the spot where Arodyti should have been. Empty.
    Where was she? The young initiate fancied herself a warrior, but if she could not follow orders...
    ‘There you are,’ Arodyti greeted her, slightly out of breath as she skidded down the slope. She’d come from beyond a fold in the river bank, probably answering a call of nature, but even so...
    ‘You left your post. We have a newborn and a lad struggling with his gift. Your duty–’
    ‘Come, look what I found.’
    ‘I’m not going off on some wild goose chase. I have to check the camp sentries.’
    ‘It’s a tree–’
    ‘I’ve seen trees.’
    ‘Not like this one. Its branches are all twisted. I’ve never seen anything like it.’
    ‘This is your first time out of the Celestial City. There is much you’ve never seen.’
    ‘I think–’
    ‘I didn’t ask you to think. I asked you to keep watch. Stay at your post.’ Vittoryxe headed further up the rise. ‘And mind you don’t doze off.’
    ‘I wouldn’t...’
    Vittoryxe ignored her and kept walking. One more sentry. He was perched up a tree, watching the

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