Return to Love

Free Return to Love by Lynn Hubbard

Book: Return to Love by Lynn Hubbard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynn Hubbard
reading her mind, Eric laid his hand on her arm reassuringly. “Don’t worry, were going to a little town I know, it’ll be safe there.”
    Joanie still panicky nodded and forced a smile. I am going to kill Kate. She thought, Kate was always there offering her support and Joanie needed her desperately right now. Not only was she alone with Eric but they were going who knows where.
    Silence again filled the car as Joanie watched building after building fly past them. They had only been traveling for about thirty minutes, but it felt much longer. Eric finally pulled up in front of a small restaurant in an unfamiliar town.
    “Where are we?” Joanie asked Eric.
    He smiled “Hopeful Heights, Kentucky.”
    She glared, “I’ve never heard of Hopeful Heights.”
    “Most people haven’t we did some construction near here last summer. Hardly any traffic. I figured this would be a great place to teach someone how to drive.”
    Joanie looked around and forced a smile. “Yeah great.” She murmured.
    “Huh?” Joanie said.
    Eric nodded to the Diner in front of them. “I’m kinda hungry, I figured we might as well eat first, can’t drive on an empty stomach.”
    Joanie turned red; she didn’t have any money to eat with. “Ahh, no I’m not hungry. I’ll just wait for you.” She insisted brightly.
    Eric twisted towards her as he turned the car off. She was fumbling with her coat strings nervously. “I can’t leave you in the car you would freeze to death, then Brad would kill me.” He teased.
    “I wasn’t prepared to eat out.” Joanie confessed, sort of.
    Eric laughed, “Did you think I would ask you out to eat and expect you to pay for yourself?”
    Joanie bristled, “I don’t need someone to take care of me, I can take care of myself. You’re already helping me out as it is. ‘Sides, I’m not hungry.” She said stubbornly as her stomach rumbled betraying her.
    Eric sighed climbing out of the car. As his door slammed shut Joanie sank down in her seat and leaned against the door. She cried out in shock as her door flew open and Eric pulled her to her feet. “Fine you can watch me eat.” He said guiding her into the Diner and into a booth. She was dismayed when he sat next to her instead of across from her. She had no way to escape.
    She propped her feet up on the seat across from her and slouched down. Eric sighed, “Ok, I’m sorry for being hungry. We were on a deadline at work, and I didn’t have time to grab lunch today.” He pouted at her, and Joanie had to laugh as she sat up.
    “No Eric, I’m sorry I’m acting like a brat. I’m just really nervous.” She said the last part in a whisper.
    “Hello!” A cheery voice interrupted. “Can I take your order?” The motherly waitress asked as her eyes twinkled at Joanie.
    Not thrilled with the interruption, Eric reluctantly looked at the menu and ordered a double cheeseburger with fries and a root beer.
    Joanie sat up as Eric offered her the menu. “I’ll take an order of fries.” She said handing the menu to the waitress. The waitress looked at Eric expectantly. “and a cheeseburger and root beer.” he added. The waitress nodded in approval as she took the menu and walked away.
    “Why are you nervous?” Eric asked.
    “Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I don’t know how to drive and don’t want to make a fool of myself in front of you, or perhaps I’m in the middle of nowhere in a town that isn’t even on the map, or maybe because I’m alone with a boy eating which is kinda like a date but isn’t really a date because I was never asked about it.” Joanie rambled.
    Eric smiled down at her. “I’m not a boy.”
    Joanie raised an eyebrow. “You’re a girl?”
    Eric grinned, sitting up straight to show his full height. “I’m a man.”
    “You sure are!” The waitress agreed sitting down their drinks and winking as she walked away.
    “Wonderful!” Joanie said sarcastically rolling her eyes. “So am I your charity

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