To Love, Honor and Betray

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Book: To Love, Honor and Betray by Jennie Lucas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennie Lucas
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult
her boss, and wanted to protect his territory?
    No. It couldn’t be. Brandon loved her as a friend. Just a friend!
    She glared at Eduardo. “Either you misunderstood him, or Brandon was trying to warn you off. To protect me from a sleazy boss.”
    “Sleazy?” he gasped.
    She folded her arms. “But there’s never been anything romantic between Brandon and me. Let me call him and prove it!”
    “He’s in love with you.” His eyes were like ice. “You’re either lying, or blind. But I won’t be played for a fool ever again. You will not communicate with McLinn in any way.Not by phone, by computer or via carrier pigeon. And not through your parents. Do you understand?”
    Callie couldn’t believe he was being so unreasonable. Tears rose to her eyes. “But I just left him there,” she whispered. “Standing in the street on our wedding day. He deserves an explanation!”
    “He saw you leave with me. That is all the explanation he needs. And if not …” He allowed himself a cold smile. “I just told him everything he needs to know.”
    A chill went down her spine. “What did you say to him?”
    Turning away, he scooped up quesadillas and rice on a plate and shoved it toward her on the countertop. “It’s simple. Contact him during our marriage, just once, and you are in breach of our agreement.”
    “Fine, I’ll be in breach! Keep your stupid alimony. I don’t care about your money!”
    “Do you care about custody?”
    She sucked in her breath. “What?”
    He lifted an eyebrow. “It seems you did not read our prenuptial agreement very carefully before you signed it.”
    She struggled to remember the words of the prenup, but the truth was she’d barely skimmed the first pages. “I was in labor! In pain, under duress! Whatever I may have signed, it will never stand up in court!”
    He gave her grim smile. “Shall we find out?”
    Callie couldn’t believe he could be so heartless. No, on second thought, she could. What she couldn’t believe was her own stupidity—in believing it was possible for Eduardo Cruz to be anything
heartless! Blinking back tears, she tried to keep her voice from trembling. “Just let me talk to him once. You can listen on the other line. I just need to tell him I’m sorry.” She closed her eyes. “When I think of what I did to him …”
    “Yes, I can only imagine how badly you feel,” Eduardo said sardonically. “Knowing you caused him pain by flinging yourself enthusiastically into bed with me and conceiving my child instead of his. A pity raising Marisol is now a responsibility more important than the romantic longings of your heart!”
    His sardonic tone tore at her soul like nails on a chalkboard. “Why do you even care?” she spat out. “Our marriage will be over in months. For that matter, why did you even marry me? Why make such a song and dance about giving our child a name and a father and a home, when we both know you’ll never last for long?”
    His hand tightened into a fist on the counter. “What are you talking about?”
    “I know you too well,” she said. “I know the life you love. Traveling around the world, beating your competitors, buying expensive toys you barely take time to enjoy, any more than the women whose names you can’t remember. Keeping score with your billions in the bank.” She lifted her chin. “Am I leaving anything out?”
    His dark eyes were cold. “My priorities have changed.”
    “For how long? A few days? A week? How long will you last before you abandon us?”
?” he ground out. “You mean, how long until I let you rush into another man’s arms?”
    She shook her head. “I’m sick of your stupid jealousy!”
    “And I’m sick of constantly being told it’s impossible for me to be a decent husband, oh, no, not like some unemployed farmer who hangs on your every word. Too bad for you he’s not Marisol’s father!”
    It was the last straw.
    “Yes, it is!” Callie cried, blinking back tears.

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