Wild Magic (Wilding Pack Wolves 6) - New Adult Paranormal Romance

Free Wild Magic (Wilding Pack Wolves 6) - New Adult Paranormal Romance by Alisa Woods

Book: Wild Magic (Wilding Pack Wolves 6) - New Adult Paranormal Romance by Alisa Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alisa Woods
Tags: Romance - Erotica
tight, he had to ram so hard, that he was afraid he might be hurting her. But those sounds coming out of her mouth—the moans and the whimpers and the shrieks—were nothing but pure pleasure.
    “Yes! Yes!” she cried over and over, and then she crested again, pulsing all around him. By some power he didn’t think he possessed, he managed not to come. He needed to forestall that for just a little longer… because he had every intention of truly claiming Skylar Starling.
    When he was sure he had milked her climax good and long, he eased out of her, still hard as a rock and wet from their lovemaking. He lowered her legs to the ground and stepped back. “Shift for me, my love,” he said, speaking the ritual words.
    “What?” she said, dazed and holding onto the tree now that she no longer had his support.
    “Shift and submit to me.”
    She blinked and stared at him for a moment… then a slow smile spread across her face.
    And she shifted into the most beautifully delicate black wolf he had ever seen.

    I can’t believe this is happening, thought Skylar.
    She was standing in wolf form, her clothes in a pile beside her, in front of Daniel Wilding… and he wanted her for a mate.
    The whirlwind of it was almost too much for her mind to grasp—Daniel had embraced his witch, she’d confessed her secret, and now he was standing before her, tall and proud, as a white wolf. His wolf had changed from that shaggy black beautiful beast she had seen in the forest, and now he stood with his tail and head held high. Her wolf instinctively recognized it—the alpha pose. Did she really want this? Could she really give herself to this amazing man so quickly… and forever? It didn’t help that her mind was muddled by two insane orgasms that Daniel had just given her, with his tongue and his cock. Now he wanted to give her his love— once and forever.
    Even the memory of the words sent a shiver through her.
    Yes, she wanted this. More than anything else in the world. She tucked her tail and stretched out her paws and dipped her head. The submission pose. As soon as she reached it a surge of magic seized hold of her, flowing from and resonating with Daniel’s magic. He was an incredibly powerful witch, but that energy—the combined energy of his witch and wolf magic—made the submission bond zing and lift her on a high that rivaled the orgasms still echoing through her body.
    Holy shit.
    Rise, my love. Daniel’s voice was in her head, startling her but popping her up from the forest floor.
    You’re my alpha, she thought in amazement and wonder.
    Shift for me, Skylar, my love. It was her alpha’s command, and she could hardly disobey it, not that she had any desire to do so. She shifted human again, almost wistful to be leaving their wolf forms behind—she wanted to rub her muzzle against his, chase him through the forest, and run together as a pack. Maybe only a pack of two, but she could feel it—they were pack now.
    But all thoughts of wolf-ish fun dropped away when she ended up naked in Daniel’s arms, his cock pressed into her belly as he pulled her against him and devoured her in a kiss. She moaned into his mouth again. She could hardly help herself. Wolves were known for their voracious sexual appetites, but this was just insane. He was still ready for more—and she would take everything he had to give.
    He broke the kiss and pulled back to look in her eyes. “This is your last chance to say no, my love.”
    “No? Why on earth would I do that?” She truly had no idea what he was talking about.
    He was breathing in ragged gasps, and his cock was still hard against her. “The submission bond only lasts until the next full moon. We’re bonded until then, but after that, you would be free again. But if I claim you for a mate…”
    “I know how it works,” she said, suddenly glad she had done all her surreptitious research on wolves, once she knew she was one. “The male bites the female and the magic in his

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