The Sword of Revenge

Free The Sword of Revenge by Jack Ludlow

Book: The Sword of Revenge by Jack Ludlow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jack Ludlow
me the cause of the argument?’
    His face was like a death-mask. ‘It was not an argument, Lady.’
    ‘You seem to have acquired the stiff Roman neck very quickly,’ Claudia snapped. ‘It is a pity that in adopting our codes you didn’t take on board our manners as well.’
    The reply was calm, his demeanour imperturbable. ‘No doubt I shall, in time, if I’m careful with my tutors.’
    Claudia clasped her hands together, her face taking on an anxious look. ‘This will not do, will it, Cholon?’
    ‘Do for what, Lady?’
    ‘Do you see me as an enemy?’ she asked. ‘There was a time, wasn’t there? I hurt Aulus and you hated me for it.’
    ‘Emotions may pass on with those who die. They tend to remain in the living.’
    ‘I know Quintus is short of money. I wonder if you know why?’
    ‘It would be impolite to enquire.’
    ‘His father, many years ago, transferred a large portion of his wealth to me.’ Cholon tried, but he could not keep the surprise off his face. ‘Unfortunately for Quintus, it seems to be the most easily tradable part of the estate. You are aware that an eldest son normally inherits everything. Aulus felt that Quintus might be unjust to me…’
    ‘I wonder why he felt that?’ said Cholon, coldly.
    Claudia’s eyes dropped and she clasped her arms together and shivered slightly. Quintus had found her the day her ‘captivity’ had ended; it was his men who had killed Brennos’s personal bodyguards to free her. He had also seen her condition and the thought that it might become public terrified him. She could remember the thoughts she had had when Quintus went to fetch his father, Claudia refusing to move from the spot where he had found her. Sitting in the wagon, she had contemplated killing herself, but the first stirring of the child in her womb had stayed that thought. Like Aulus, Cholon only knewhalf the truth and, tempted as she was to open up now that she was widowed, she knew she still had to keep secret the truth.
    ‘You and I are now the only people who know what happened. I am aware of the regard you had for my husband. I doubt if I could ever convince you how much I esteemed him…’
    The interruption was brutal. ‘I doubt he sought your esteem.’
    She reached out and grasped his arm. ‘Unbend, Cholon. I cannot explain to you, neither will I demean myself to attempt it, but if we were enemies once, we can be friends now. The memory of that man is as dear to me as it is to you.’
    Cholon’s voice had a crack in it, half a sob. ‘I cannot believe that!’
    Claudia tightened her grip as she saw his head drop. ‘Who will you talk to? With whom can you share your past with some degree of understanding, or will you be forever telling strangers of the greatness of the man you loved, knowing that they don’t believe you, thinking that you are merely taking on airs in a famous man’s shadow. You can talk to me. I know what he was worth.’
    The anger returned again. ‘Do you?’
    ‘Ten times me, if not a hundred. I hurt him more than anyone alive, yet I asked him to put me aside.’ Cholon looked into her eyes, seeking the truth. ‘Aulus refused. In a way he inflicted the suffering onhimself. He was a victim of his own nobility.’
    ‘He loved you, Lady.’
    Claudia quickly wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. ‘I have money to pay his bequests, and to reimburse you.’
    ‘You were listening?’
    Claudia shook her head. ‘I do not need to listen at doors. One of the soldier’s wives came with her children to express her thanks. I know Quintus didn’t pay her. I’m like you, Cholon. I would not want Aulus to suffer from posthumous disgrace and, sometimes, I would like someone to talk to that I know I can trust.’
    Cholon bowed his head, half in acknowledgement, half to hide his distress. Thoas the Numidian slave flitted from behind a nearby pillar. Cholon, more alert than Claudia, turned and saw him. The man’s colouring and height identified him, making the

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