Haven: Revenge of the Viper

Free Haven: Revenge of the Viper by D.C. Akers

Book: Haven: Revenge of the Viper by D.C. Akers Read Free Book Online
Authors: D.C. Akers
    “Sarah, please I am so sorry … I heard you crying from the hallway … I thought something was wrong!”
    Sarah glared at Travis from her bed. Her knees were pulled close to her body and she gripped her pillow in one hand and her cell phone in the other, as if she was ready throw them at any minute.
    “You were eavesdropping on me, Travis, in my own house!”
    Travis’s mouth was still open but nothing was coming out. This was not going well at all.
    “No … no that’s not it at all, you were crying, you see, you were upset. I … just wanted to make sure you were okay?”
    “Well, how do you think I’m doing now?” she asked, still furious.
    Travis was again caught off guard, “Well … I … um …”
    “I’m not good Travis, NOT GOOD!” she yelled. “You had no right. This is my personal business, NOT yours! Do you understand that? CAN you understand that?”
    Travis lowered his head. This had all gone horribly wrong. He had never meant to eavesdrop; he just wanted to make sure she was okay.
    “Sarah, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, I just …” He struggled with the words. “I care about you,” he said finally in frustration. The words were out before he even realized it.
    The room fell silent as they both stared at one another. Travis swallowed nervously. He didn’t know whether to run, apologize again, or just keep his mouth shut. Sarah’s furrowed eyebrows softened and her mouth fell open. They continued to look at one another in silence until Sarah finally closed her mouth and cleared her throat.
    Travis debated throwing himself out of the window. How in the world had he let that come flying out of his mouth? He could feel himself blushing, but he wasn’t the only one. Sarah was turning red too. There was an uncomfortable air between the two of them now. They awkwardly glanced around the room, looking anywhere but at each other.
    After a long silence, Travis finally turned to leave the room, completely mortified. This was the final straw, he was sure of that. He felt like an epic idiot. He couldn’t even count the times he had made a fool out of himself in front of Sarah—there were too many. But today was without a doubt the most appalling display of stupidity he had ever conjured up in a single moment. Even he was impressed at how lame he could be.
    He looked back at Sarah with his sad brown eyes “I’m sorry …” he whispered. He turned away with his head hung low and gradually walked back through the doorway.
    “Travis … wait,” Sarah said softly.
    Travis stopped and looked over his shoulder.
    “It’s … okay.” she said, hesitantly. “I mean, it’s not okay, but I know you meant well.” The right side of her lip curled up slowly in a half grin. “You always mean well, I guess. I was just a little freaked out, you know?”
    Travis nodded, unsure of how to respond. He had never really had a conversation with Sarah before.
    “It’s just been a really bad day,” she said. Her words were sincere and Travis could tell she actually meant what she was saying.
    “I would never do anything to hurt you,” he said shyly.
    “I know … I’ve always known that,” Sarah replied, looking away.
    “Sarah?” Travis asked.
    Sarah turned and looked back at Travis. From the look on his face he seemed intimidated, and scared, like a little boy who got caught stealing from the cookie jar.
    “If you don’t mind me asking, what happened? What’s wrong?”
    Sarah’s eyes slowly filled with tears again.
    “It’s a long story, Travis, and it’s stupid anyway,” she said, barely able to get the words out.
    “Nothing is ever stupid if it can hurt you,” Travis said.
    Her gaze softened, as if one of the many walls she had to protect herself had fallen. Travis looked at her. It was odd how much Sam and Sarah were alike. Always guarded, always careful, never letting anyone too close. It was like they were too scared to trust anyone.
    “It’s Barry,” she said, wiping the tear

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