The Whites and the Blues
thank some for their manifest sympathy and to implore mercy of the others.
    At sight of her the whole hall rang with shouts of ap plause, which would have been unanimous, if a hiss, com ing from the balcony, had not protested against this general opinion. But scarcely had the hiss made itself heard than a voice from the parterre answered it with the exclamation: "Wretch!"
    Te'trell turned quickly,- and leaning over the balcony cried: "Who said wretch?"
    "I," answered the same voice.
    "And who did you call a wretch?"
    "You are hiding in the parterre; just show yourself!' 7
    ' A youth, scarcely fifteen years of age, sprang upon the
    bench with a single bound, and standing head and shoulders
    above the people, cried: "Here I am. I show myself, as
    you see."
    "Eugene Beauharnais! The son of General Beauhar^ nais!" exclaimed several spectators, who had known the general during his stay in Strasbourg, and who recognized the boy, who had also been there for some time.
    General Beauharnais had been much loved, and a group

    gathered round the boy, whom Augereau on the one side, and Charles on the other stood ready to support.
    "Whelp of an aristocratP' cried Tetrell, on seeing who his adversary was.
    "Bastard of a wolf!" retorted the youth, refusing to lower his eyes before the threatening glanoe of the leader of the Propagande.
    44 If you make me come down to you," shouted Te'trell, grinding his teeth, "you had better look out, or I will spank you."
    "If you make me come up to you I will slap you," replied Eugene,
    "Here, this is for you I" cried Tetrell, forcing himself to laugh, and spitting at Eugene.
    "And that is for you, coward I" retorted the youth, flinging his glove, into which he had slipped a few leaden pellets, full at his antagonist.
    Te'trell uttered a cry of rage, and put his hand to his cheek, which was all covered with blood.
    Tetrell, in his thirst for revenge, could not stop to go round by the corridors. He pulled a pistol from his belt, aimed it at the boy, around whom a space was suddenly cleared, every one fearing to be struck by a ball from the weapon in Te'trell's trembling hand, which threatened every one in his vicinity.
    But at the same moment a man wearing the uniform of the volunteers of Paris, and bearing the insignia of a ser geant's rank, threw himself between Tetrell and the boy, protecting the latter with his body, and folded his arms.
    "That's all very well, citizen!" said he, "but when a man wears a sword he ought not to commit murder."
    "Bravo, volunteer! bravo, sergeant!" came from every corner of the theatre.
    "Do you know," he continued, "what this child, this whelp of an aristocrat, this brat, as you call him, was doing this morning while you were making fine speeches at the Propagande ? He was fighting to prevent the enemy

    from entering Strasbourg. While you were asking for the heads of your friends, he was killing the enemies of France. Now, put up your pistol, which does not frighten me, and listen to what I have to say.''
    Profound silence reigned in the hall and upon the stage; the curtain was still raised, and the actors, workmen, and soldiers of the guard had gathered there. It was in the midst of this painful silence that the volunteer continued, and although he did not raise his voice he could be heard perfectly on all sides.
    "What I have to say further," resumed the sergeant, stepping aside from the boy, "is that this boy, who is nei ther the whelp of an aristocrat, nor a brat, but a man whom victory has to-day baptized a Kepublican upon the field of battle—this boy, after having insulted you, challenges you; after having called you a wretch, he calls you a coward, and awaits you with your second and whatever weapon you choose to provide, unless it be your favorite weapon the guillotine, with the executioner as your second. I tell you this in his name and mine, do you hear ? And I answer for him, I, Pierre Augereau, sergeant-major in the regiment of the volunteers of

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