Raw and Dirty (Bad Boys MC Trilogy #1)

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Book: Raw and Dirty (Bad Boys MC Trilogy #1) by Violet Blaze Read Free Book Online
Authors: Violet Blaze
position at the front door. I light up and blow smoke in the man's face.
    “My name is Brent Gilman and I'm with the Federal Bureau of Investigation—”
    I cut him off right there with another exhalation of smoke.
    “You can use the acronym, Brent. I know what the FBI is. Hopped the pond a long time ago.”
    Brent smiles at me, his teeth too big and too bright for his little mouth.
    “I'm sorry to bother you, Mr. McBride, but I'm actually following up on a phone call from Rebecca White. She reached out to the Trinidad Police Department this morning about her husband, Landon White.” My heart drops, but not because I'm nervous or because this is unexpected—well, an FBI agent is a little unexpected but fuck him. I feel sick to my stomach because I miss Landon every goddamn day. If there was any way I could've saved him, I would've. But a snitch is a snitch, and the boys found him before I did.
    “He's a grown ass man,” I say, ashing my cigarette onto the tops of Brent's shiny brown shoes. “And whatever's happening between him and his wife is his business.”
    “Are you aware that Landon White is missing? He didn't come home from work last night and Rebecca's becoming concerned.”
    I let my lips twitch into a smug smile that I don't feel. Landon is goddamn dead, and I'll never know why he went to the cops in the first place, why he turned his back on his brothers.
    “Landon's thirty-two years old and two hundred and sixty pounds of muscle, Mr. Gregson.”
    “It's Gilman,” Brent corrects, but I already know that.
    “Look, he was at work yesterday, and I'm sure he'll be there again today. What else do you want me to tell you?”
    Brent opens his mouth to say something and then thinks better of it. Yes, technically Landon's been missing for almost two weeks, but the Wolves found him last week and took care of things. Of course, according to his time card and his wife, he's been seen every day up until today. Brent though, he seems to know something more, like maybe how Landon's been unreachable for quite some time.
    “Look, do you have a card or something? I'll give you a call if I think there's a reason to get the feds involved in a grown man's personal business.” Brent wrinkles up his eyebrows, like he knows I'm insulting him but isn't quite sure how to respond.
    I snap my fingers and hold out my palm, waiting for him to drop a business card in my waiting hand.
    I'm going to need that card to keep an eye on this man. I knew Landon was snitching on the club, but I didn't know who exactly it was that he was talking to.
    Now I do.
    Lucky me.

“Brent!” I say, standing up from my desk with a radiant smile and a tick of nervous energy in my belly. I feel like I'm straddling two worlds, the one I've always known and one I never wanted to know. That's ridiculous. You had a one-night stand with an MC president. Big deal. Every girl has an experimental phase. Maybe you're just going through yours a little late? I make a vow to get this job done and get the hell out of there before Royal McBride tries to drag me in any further. “What are you doing here?”
    “I thought I'd stop by and see if you were free for lunch?” Brent asks, smiling widely at me. He weaves between the other desks in the room and pauses next to mine as we exchange a friendly hug and step back, looking each other over. “You said the new office was nice, but you didn't say how packed it was in here,” he remarks, looking around at the overflowing desks, the people chugging away at computers, chatting on phones, rushing from here to there.
    “It's an upgrade from that place on Trinity Street to be sure,” I say, reaching up and tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. A stray strand? I lift my hands to my bun and find that it's come … undone.
    Uh oh.
    Feels like an omen to me.
    I clear my throat and gather my hair back up, putting my favorite black clip back in place.
    “But the city's growing faster than we ever could've

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